Being raised a JW I was always told their was a god. I had no reason to think otherwise. It was accepted just like I accepted the sun would rise the next day.
As I got older (about 12) I started to doubt their was a god. I never "felt" his presence when I would pray. I felt like I was talking to myself and in doing that I would figure things out on my own. Almost like I was giving myself therapy but didn't have the education or knowledge to know all the right answers. I think as humans we have a distiction we learn when we are young to know the difference in right and wrong. If we are struggling with a decision, does praying about it influence our choices? or is it like writing it in a journal and taking a step back and then making that decision. I honestly don't feel that praying about something sways our choices, I think with enough pondering over decisions, we would have made that choice whether you pray or evalute it closely to come to a decision you are comfortable with or think is the best one.
The god I was taught about as a child isn't a loving god. Which is not something I will devote my life to.
I commonly use this as an example of why I don't believe in "god".
Greek mythology, was not called mythology back then. It was a religion or belief system. People honestly thought these gods where watching over them. Some were evil and some had tempers and some very kind and merciful. Later this belief system was thrown out or evolved into something else. So, now we look back and think it is "funny" that people actually believed this. So, now it is mythology.
The Egyptians also had "gods". Things they couldn't explain or understand had a "god" behind it. But this was their belief system. You couldn't go back in time and convice them this was false.
As time goes on and belief systems are "proven wrong", how can you convince me in another 1000-5000yrs Christianity won't become mythology??????
The bible was written by people who couldn't explain things and so, they gave explainations to things they didn't understand.
If I were to go back in time and tell people that we could watch a leader of another country across the world giving a speech as he was giving the speech-- watching it inside a little box, this would have been called a miricle. Today we call it TV.
Since we can't go back in time and see what these people "saw" and why they wrote the stories down, how do we honestly know these "miricles" don't have a perfectly good explaination?
All I know is I think the bible is nothing more than stories or fables. I don't think it is inspired by anything but imagination.
That is why I don't believe in god.
One last example...............................If a woman thinks she is pregnant, and has talked herself into being pregnant (without a test first) then her body starts showing physical signs of being pregnant(I know, it has happened to me). So, if you talk yourself into believing there is a god, then you can talk yourself into "feeling his presence".
I for one would have to pretty much be slapped in the face to believe in god, by god.
I am a good person and if judgement day comes and I am not spared, I don't want to worship this god anyway.
Jesika----of the ---I think I am agnostic class