Oral Sex

by Yerusalyim 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • nicolaou

    I'm with Iron Gland. This isn't news, just a couple of randy teenagers who went too far!

    When I was their age I was recruiting for the org', you tell me which is the more dangerous behaviour?


  • IronGland

    Local News seems to be really bad about running with non-stories. When I check out my local news website, it seems to be one step above Jerry Springer even though there are plenty of newsworthy stories that actually affect people.

  • target

    Wait just a minute! Everyone is firing the bus driver when you don't even know if the driver knew what was going on. I drove school bus and when you are trying to watch the road and the traffic you can't be running to the back of the bus to see what the kids are doing. If the other kids were cheering them on, then they were all gathered around and the the driver could not see what was happening. The driver probably found out from the newspaper like everyone else. That is why buses should have monitors because it is the driver's job to drive safely and that is darn hard to do when you are trying to see what is going on behind you at the same time as what is going on in front of you. Had there been a monitor on the bus, something could have been done.

    Millie The Driver

  • Beans
  • YERU2


    The driver knew and didn't report it to anyone, a kid told his parents, that's how this came out.

    These kind of news stories IMO are just pointless voyeurism. It doesn't affect anyone other than those involved in the slightest.
    It shows the state of moral decay in public schools, it's very much a proper news story. If the right thing had been done then I'd agree that this wasn't a news story, the thing is NOTHING has been done so it is a news story. Not only do I have to worry about my kids being exposed to Cross dressers as chaperones, but now they have to witness live sex acts on the school bus and no one gets punished. Something's wrong here.
  • Buster

    As for the principal: It is reasonable for him to keep the details for the punishment away from the press. As far as not reporting it to the School Board, I don't know how much time elapsed, but I don't feel this is an issue that rises to level of 'governance' thereby needing direct input from the Board. It is an administrative issue.

    Those children should not have done that, participants or observers. But I have a hunch that they will be punished by the school administration. I hope it is severe enough to set an example - but it isn't exactly a capitol crime.

    As for the driver, I didn't get the sense from what I read that the driver knew what happened, while it happened. And for cryin' out loud, its a bus driver. Doesn't make much more than minimum. I'm happy the bus gets to a from the school.

    Its definitely something for the school to deal with. But I think the press has made a bit much of it.

  • YERU2

    If the kids had gotten into a little fight on the bus they would already be kicked out of school.
    Had they been caught with a nail file that had a tiny knife blade , they would have been expelled
    and possibly arrested. Had they had a minature replica of a handgun on a key chain they 
    would already be out of school, why haven't these kids been kicked out of school yet?
    Why the delay in punishment.
  • Mac

    Yes, Please.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    I guess what has struck me about this story is the PUBLIC nature of it.

    Apparently it was no big deal for the kids involved in the "activity".

    You know what? I think it's a damn shame.

    I saw a story on TV this week about some teenagers in Florida making their own porn movie. A 17 year old boy recruited a 14 years girl to "star" in it with a few of his buddies. He said he was going to pay her two thousand dollars. The boy was going put it on the Internet. Someone found out about it. She stated, herself, she didn't think there was anything wrong with doing it at the time. Both were brought up on charges of making child porn by the local authorities.

    Sex is just something else to do when hanging out.


  • dannyboy

    LOL @ JimBob.

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