My teenage daughter told me that some of the "cool" kids at her highschool are pretty open about talking about their sexuality....sigh...the things they talk about in french class when the teacher isn't around. They seem to feel that oral sex isn't "sex", so induging in it casually is OK to them. Some of the girls are starting to get a reputation, although the boys don't seem to be criticized the same way for it. The double standard still exists. I found this article, and the ages seem really young compared to what happens here (as far as I know).
By no means is it all the kids in the school, and most of the kids in my daughter's social group are not even dating yet. I am so glad she isn't "cool".
I took on the job of school bus driver after retiring. In most districts all you are allowed to do is to tell them to stop, and then write a citation. You can't do anything else. I have no idea what this bus driver did or didn't do. I know that all we can see is heads and usually nothing below the neck if the kids are sitting where they are supposed to sit. If a girl were to duck down to give a blow job I know I wouldn't be able to spot anything. Other students could but if they said nothing I wouldn't have a clue as to what was going on. You put 50+ kids on a bus and you'll miss things every day.
In my district on field trips we don't allow the boys and girls to sit together. We divide them by putting one group in front, then the chaperones and then the other group in back. I would suggest talking to your school district to see if they have this policy. It works.
Well, I'm not surprised since liberalism always encourages immorality
Oh puhleeze, some of the biggest sluts I know are conservatives. That goes for men and women. They are only conservative when it comes to your behavior. Not their's.
Robyn, of the quit it already with the stereotyping class
. The FACTS were gathered from the BUS DRIVER, who saw what was going on
i highly doubt that unless the driver actually stopped the bus and joined the crowd watching. how in the world could the bus driver see what was going on? did they do it at the front of the bus on the floor right in front of the driver? again, i doubt it. maybe the driver saw a group of kids whooping and cheering, and maybe the driver heard kids yelling about what was going on, but i have a very hard time believing the driver actually SAW it....give me a break.
I saw the same story on O'Reilly.....Oh, and for all of the liberals out there, the O'Reilly show ROCKS!
I agree that this piece shows what a mess things are in most public schools in the USA. Unfortunately, it stems from societal problems as well as poor legislation re: education. In addition, many counties and school districts are quite top-heavy with too many administrators and not enough teachers.
I am sort of a conservative guy. But, when I hear about how permissive things are these days I have to laugh. I coach sports at a public highschool. When I was in school my football coach bought me a 6-pack when we won a championship. I had a good game. This year I had to suspend 4 players for 3 games because they had two beers each on New Years.
When I was in school I got into at least one fistfight a week, on campus. No punishments.
These days if you fight once you are suspended for a week.
This is a dumb, fluffy "news" story. They had sex: whoop de doo! They had sex on a school bus: stupid but, whoop de freakin doo! Who cares? There are a lot more new worthy things going on....
Sad is the day when teenagers having sex on a school bus, while being cheered by classmates, is no big deal.
"...We believe that, aside from those who have been indoctrinated with the view that 'in marriage anything goes,' the vast majority of persons would normally reject as repugnant the practice of oral copulation.." WT QFR dec '72
i'd like to see a survey done to see just how many people view oral sex as repugnant!
but of course if anyone's been found out to have commited child abuse and has cried about it, then thats ok and we can keep it hush hush.
two HS students who engaged in oral sex on a bus in SilverLakes Maryland while several other students cheered them
What I am most concerned about are that the two kids involved in this thought that it was appropriate to engage in oral sex in front of an entire bus. Especially the female involved. Is this an example of kids having harmless fun, or of a young girl possibly being used. I mean some say no big deal, but I wonder what kind of attitudes the same students who were "cheering" them on have towards them later. I wonder what kind of "reputation" this girl has now. I am opposed to the sexual double standards that exist with men and women, but we all know that they exist, especially in high school. Boys are studs, and girls are whores. And these kind of labels get assigned even when things happen in private, let alone on a bus in front of all their peers. Sounds like we are dealing with more than normal high school antics, but with two kids with some real esteem issues, and inappropriate ideas of appropriate sexual behavior.