Oral Sex

by Yerusalyim 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • Skeptic

    It is weird that nothing was done.

    My ex drove school bus. First, as has been stated, chances are the bus driver didn't know what had happened. School bus driving is very stressful, and the drivers who survive it are often those who ignore everything. My ex drove for two years, and the police have to get involved four times. One of the students was been ordered by the police not to have any contact with our family.

    Secondly, students do dumbass things daily. A school bus driver has no authority to discipline, but should do so everyday.

    Discipline is done by the school. When a school bus driver reports a problem, he/she is looking at about 1-3 hours to sit in an office to get the fill out paperwork and talk to the principal...it is typically closer to 3 hours. They are not paid a cent for doing this, it is all on their own time. Chances are, the school won't really do anything anyway. What can the school do? Call the parents? Ohhh, scary! If kids are bad, chances are their parents can't or won't control them anyway.

    If people want school bus drivers to report problems, then pay them for doing so. Refusal to pay for that time gives an incentive to not report problems.

    So, I disagree with disciplining the school bus driver.

    Should the kids have been disciplined? Yes. It is too late for that now though. Doing it now is only for political correctness.

    I do not agree with minors having sex. But the sad fact is, they will and we live in the real world and we have to adapt our views to what is, not what we want. The usual age for losing your virginity in my hometown was 13 (that was also the usual age for starting to drink...some pubs served 13 year olds). *sigh* I saved myself for marriage when I was 20.

    Andee is right, sex is something teens do when there is nothing else to do. But I do think kids should be taught not to do it on a school bus.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 11 January 2003 17:13:13

  • reporter
    Had they had a minature replica of a handgun

    Well, to her it might of looked like that

  • Abaddon

    "a kid told his parents"

    Ah, just as long as we know the story and all the fact presented are true then.

    If we care about kids this much, let's test our general knowledge;

    How many children have died in Iraq as a result of the sanctions imposed after the Gulf War?

    A/ 50

    B/ 500

    C/ 5,000

    D/ 50,000

    E/ 500,000

  • Aztec

    LMAO mac & reporter!

    This is a dumb, fluffy "news" story. They had sex: whoop de doo! They had sex on a school bus: stupid but, whoop de freakin doo! Who cares? There are a lot more new worthy things going on....



  • Yerusalyim


    WHo cares, I CARE. My kids ride a bus to school. I sure as hell don't want them to have to witness blow jobs while riding to school. Jesus H. Christ what's wrong with you people. There's a time and place for sex. The school bus ain't it. I sure as heck would be throwing a fit if my 14 year old daughter was giving blow jobs to 16 year old punks on a school bus.

    Abaddon, the STORY broke because a kid complained. The FACTS were gathered from the BUS DRIVER, who saw what was going on, and from the Other Kids, who saw what was going on.

    Your question about the kids in Iraq should be reworded. It should read..."How many Iraqi children have died as a result of Saddam Hussein diverting funds from the oil for food program to fund his weapons program?" A follow on question might be "How many palaces has Saddam built since the end of the first Gulf War while these kids were dying?"

    Saddam, not the UN SANCTIONED embargo, gets the blame for kids dying. As to the figure. The UN figure is 500,000. The UN however, got that number directly from the Iraqi government so there's no way to verify it. Have kids died? Sure. Is it due to embargos, or is it due to Saddam rerouting money. Further, would the sanctions against Iraq have been lifted if Hussein had complied with all the UN Resolutions.

    Now then STOP HICJACKING MY THREAD! If ya wanna talk Iraq there are several threads addressing that now.

  • searcher

    Good for the Kids !

    Its nice to see that the christian do gooders and other social reformers are acheiving thier goals.

    Now they have the laws that prevent the bus driver from

    shouting at the kids (verbal abuse)

    Physicaly restraining the kids (physycal abuse)

    going to talk to the kids ( leaving his post)

    They have also succeded in

    failing to educate their own kids in morals

    preventing school teachers from controlling kids

    These do-gooders have done a good job, kids may do exactly as they like with no fear of punishment from anyone, but thats ok....



  • Aztec

    LOL Search!

    Yeru, my comments were not directed at you but at the news media in general. There are bigger things happening than two horny kids getting it on in the school bus. I think it is a matter for them and their parents, not a "news" story to distract us. If you think your thread is being "hicjacked" as you put it I'm sorry. Would you like a glass of water or a pat on the back?



  • Abaddon

    I wasn't "HICJACKING", I haven't had a thin to drink...

    Returning the steering wheel to you Yeru...

  • Yerusalyim

    Something tells me I have not correctly spelled HIJACKING! Excuse me as my mind is a bit preoccupied.

  • email

    The example of our EX President didn't help these kids either...


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