The following material is far more than a smoking gun -- it's a flash picture of a gun belching fire.
In connection with Bill Bowen's Las Vegas news conference today, Bill released the following documents to the public:
These are scans of a standard report from the Circuit Overseer of the Yerington, Nevada congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses to the Watchtower Society's Service Department, to which all CO's make such reports. You'll see that not only the local Yerington elders, but the CO, the Service Department and a passel of local JWs all knew about the 17 girls that Dan Fitzwater was accused of molesting. Yet the only real complainants were the rank & file JWs in the congregation, the parents and associates of the molested girls. The documentation proves that elders, the CO and the Watchtower Society conspired together to cover up all these molestation cases.
For the record, the scans are of an addendum that was attached to a pre-printed form letter that CO's send to the Watchtower Society after their weekly visits. That's why the page numbering is a bit hard to decipher.
Below is my attempt to type up the difficult-to-read scans.
4. Concerning the matter regarding Brother Dan Fitzwater (now at Lovelock Cong., Lovelock, NV; see his letters dated 12/6/96 and 3/14/94). He has been accused of child molesting but he denies it. Many friends complain that the elders are not doing enough as far as handling the Fitzwarter case. Some of these ones including entire families have threathened to never come back to the congregation. Yerington is a small town and any news spreads fast. Many townspeople know concerning this alleged case of child abuse. Some prominent persons in Yerington keep asking the elders if this situation has been resolved and if the wrongdoer has been dealt with.This ordeal has given Jehovah's Witnesses a bad reputation and may be bringing reproach on God's name. Recently, two sisters visiting Yerington from another area noticed posted on the town bulletin board the new tract #34 with the words "FOR INFORMATION ON CHILD MOLESTATION CONTACT DAN FITZWATER IN BOTH SPANISH AND ENGLISH KINGDOM HALL OF JW'S, YERINGTON, NV 89447. The elders have this tract on file.
There are 17 girls that have accused Dan Fitzwater of child molesting. Five of these girls are from Yerington the rest from other states. The ones that are local are the following: Tina XXX, Mandy XXX, Annette XXX, Danielle XXX, and Dawn XXX (put inside a foster home). These have been interviewed by the Sheriff and the District Attorney (all have given written depositions). Richard XXX (Tina's Dad) and his family have decided to not come to meetings since he feels the elders are doing nothin. He is taking this matter to court before the statute of limitations runs out (it nearly has expired).
Some time ago (when Brother Fitzwater had already left Yerington Cong), Brother Richard XXX asked Brother David D. Callaham (PO) to accompany him to Dan Fitzwater's daughter XXX in order to question her as to whether Dan Fitzwater had molested her. Brother Callaham agreed to go. It was mentioned however at our elders meeting that it would have been prudent if an investigative committee was set up by the body instead of having Brother XXX who is not a servant be involved in that "investigation".
Tina XXX (12 yrs old) attempted to commit suicide and was later sent to a rehabilitation home. The XXX have hired attornies to press charges and sue Dan Fitzwater for over $40,000 that it cost him to help his daughter under rehabilitation. Tina XXX accuses Dan Fitzwater of molesting her while she was being babysitted by Dan and his wife when the XXX were out of town.
continued on page 2.
Supplement S(d)-303, Yerington Cong. NV#1
Dated: 1/7-12/97Tina Churchfield wrote me a letter asking 4 questions: "1. Is the Lovelock congregation going to disfellowship Dan?...(if he doesn't know)....2. So then basically if you don't, then you're tempting to let him hurt other people?....(If you are)....3.Why did you let be run, he was in Fallon the be moved to Lovelock?.....(amy).....4. Why don't you just disfellowship him, now!?.....Sincerely Tina.
I suggested that an investigative committee be formed and to meet with Brother Dan Fitzwater from Lovelock. Yerington has not fully communicated with the Lovelock elders, but things seem to be improving.
This case is severely damaging the spirit of the congregation; a major part of the congregation being affected. There are at least 12 publishers (all regular and active) plus 5 inactive publishers who are complaining that elders are not resolving this matter and not punishing Dan Fitzwater. They just will not let go of this matter despite encouragement and special needs talks given. Hopefully the friends will leave matters in Jehovah's hands (Pr.16:3) and "show a waiting attitude for him".(La.3:24)
It is discomforting to mention such disappointing news. We pray that Jehovah through his powerful holy spirit will resolve these issues in his own due time so that peace may be restored here in the Yerington Congregation.
Thank you Brothers.
unitedly serving Jehovah, your Brother
Michael S. Emillio
Edited by - AlanF on 11 January 2003 0:34:56