C of C Just Arrived

by eyeslice 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    JeffT, I love your experience. That must have made your exit so much easier.

  • imanaliento


    you can order it from www.commentarypress.com

  • Buster

    CofC was one of the best books I've ever read. It was a fast read. And I was impressed by the tone - no bitterness or vengance.

    As far as the book's availability, I'm looking at an ad for the book at the top of this page.

    AND I would love to hear a still-committed JW's opinion ofthe books. (Sword?)

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    sword of jah? yes i would to love to go OVER some of coc with you.... lets start with page 177-8 i would love your thoughts on this wt beauty( false prophecy) i'll be waiting.... could you be right the arrmogeddon will come before you can TALK (BULLSHIT) YOUR WAY OUT OF this wt GEM!!!!!! JOHN...

  • zev


    around this time, 2 years ago (has it been that long already? my how time flys) i received my copy of coc in the mail, at work. i was still "in" at the time, and not very active, but pursuing the lust for knowledge, the "truth" (real truth) of what i had been involved in all my life from a very young age.

    i was warned, as you have been here.

    your an elder i believe or once was one. i was just a lowly "servant". i stepped down many years ago, for lots of reasons. not knowing fully why i did what i did until i was determined to finally "look" at the so called apostate sites and do some reading. then i read coc. i read the entire book in 5 days. i read it whenever i had a spare minute, lunch breaks, break breaks and kept it hidden in the trunk of my car.

    i was warned by a very close personal friend (sitting right next to me now in fact) that what i would read would disturb me. confirm all those fears and thoughts i had for so many years but was unwilling to do what was necessary to find out what the real "truth" of what was going on.

    but i had a burning desire to know what so many others knew already.

    it was a terrible time for me mentally, and emotionally. i was crushed. it was all so true, so believable, and so well written without the bitterness you would expect from a man who had been through what he had.

    what convinced me was the actual letters and photocopies of material he quoted from.

    that did it for me. one book really settled in my mind what had bothered me for so many years.

    so there you have it. read on. you have no choice. your desire will push you to read until your done, and you'll want more. that's why there is a second book.

    as i said, be prepared, you've been fairly warned. a great book it is, but just be ready, really ready for what your about to read.

    good luck and god speed.

    my email is open if you would like to talk.

    your friend,

    Edited by - zev on 16 January 2003 20:19:48

  • DanTheMan

    It took a hell of a lot of guts and personal strength and conviction to leave that den of thieves and write about his experience.

    As others have said, this book has a ring of truth to it, you really see the small-mindedness and the arrogance of the boys at the top of WT world.

    Ray has said, "I am ashamed at what I took part in". Amen Bro!!

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