It must have started when people who "do not agree" with USA flew jetliners against buildings...
I don't think that is anywhere near comparable and such extreme, blanket statements highlight a very weak and insecure belief system about the current policy. So now, most of the world must be terrorists then and you're going to bomb us next ?
I'm saying that I do not agree that what America is doing is correct. Am I a raving lunatic muslim terrorist? I don't think so.
Have I said that America is to blame for everything? No ... but like many others I stand up and say that America should accept when it is to blame for things.
Perhaps people would not be so passionate about what America does if it didn't, while "crapping" on half the world, tell us how great it is and how thankful we should all be! "Hey, when it's all done, Hollywood can re-write it and have us come out the good guys!"
Do I hate America? Of course not ... but I would hate it if I was happy to see it's values degraded by persuing flawed policies. This is what democracy is about. If you do not care for democracy and letting people have their say, whether you label such voices as dessent or not, then do you truly love America and what it is supposed to stand for? Liberty ... Freedom ?
I read the Declaration of Independance yesterday and it is interesting that, with the roles reversed and America the 'empire' how many of the freedoms and rights that the people then claimed as being fundamental are now denied by the same country that gave them to us.