I was raised in it, and left when I was in my 20's. The early experiences made it easy for me to speak in front of a group. The discipline of meetings, study, and FS made it easy for me when I applied that same discipline to going to college. Reading and studying at a young age gave me a desire to learn. That is one of the reasons I left. I learned stuff they didn't want me to learn. I also learned to question authority. That is another factor in my leaving. I started to question their authority.
Name Something Positive About Being A Witness
by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends
I can answer bible questions on Jeopardy
I learned to read fluently before the age of 6 [ actually had passages of the Paradise Lost book memorized ]
Public Speaking. Joined the Ministry Schhol at age 7. Gave a bible reading at a Circuit Assembly at age 12 It was Song of Solomon "Your two breasts are like two young roes that are twins which feed amonst the lillies" LOL
Learning to fall asleep at assemblies without head bobbing!
Hey, love this thread!
Email, I still don't know how to tie a tie...I would play naive, get an Elder to tie one for me, pretending I was paying attention, then keep the tie like that for years..I swear I had some still tied until Maurice threw them out when we met!!!
I enjoyed all your thoughts!
I say my experience is what it is..there's nothing I can do to change it...so I look for positives...
...If I don't believe in something, you can torture me and I won't change my mind or say different
...I can spot a preacher a mile off
...I studied the Bible (many religions's followers don't actually read the book!)
...and on a serious note, I really believe I'd be dead from AIDS...'cause I came out in 86, left the Witnesses in '85 and I knew all about safe sex by that point...I know several gay Witnesses who left younger (I was 25) and experimented and died way too young.
Public speaking... (sitting down, of course) without throwing up!
Mrs. Shakita
I also learned how to tie a tie ( I have 3 boys)
I have no problem speaking in front of a crowd; in fact, I enjoy it.
And I got to know the Bible very well too (although I had trouble with the "What does John 4:14 say?"-type questions). If you started the first few words of a scripture for me, I could finish it, but by gosh, don't ask me where that scripture was!
Being able now to quote the bible gives me an advantage when debating philosophical differences with Christians.
1----------my parents met at bethel---so cause of that I was born.
2----------learned the true meaning of hypocrite(when I left)
3----------public speaking and debating
4----------now I know what a cult is, and not to return to any
5-----------freedom (after leaving)
6-----------learned to stand up for myself (which led me to leaving)
7-----------what NOT to teach my son
I would have to say like everyone else public speaking, confidence to speak what I believe to be true. They also teach some negatives like manipulative behavior. I have to watch that one. But it does come in handy sometimes. LOL
Spot on girl/boy er whatever, I was going to say I received a good sense of Morals, but you know what, I think I woulda had them anyway, whether a witness or not.
I don't smoke, not because of having been a witness, but because I personally always thought it was a stupid dirty, habit.(did take a puff or 2 didn't like it)
I don't go on drinking binges either, again not because I was a witness, and I have always been a faithful and loyal sort of person, again NOT because I was a Witness. Well now that I gave you all my Resume. Thanks Liberty, I agree with you 100%.
You know what, I'm not that bad a person after all, and NOT because I'm
Since I was "compelled" to join the Theocratic School when I was 7 years old, I never felt uncomfortable with public speaking. Preparing talks also helped me learn to do research - albeit using the WTS literature.
Those are probably the most valuable skills I learned as a JW that were transferable to and are actually useful to my life now.
Love, Scully