Episcopalians Rock!

by Robdar 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Thanks for the report, robdar. Yes, you can be a member of the Episcopal Church (and many other churches) and still have doubts, gaps in understanding, and unanswerable questions -- making for lively discussions and honest debate.

    Every Episcopal Church I have been associated with has a food program. The one I now attend (though only occasionally) has an outreach to babies, providing a handmade blanket or quilt and a layette for newborns of low-income parents.

    On another note, I would not be a member of any church that still regards women as second-class citizens, unworthy of being clergy or holding office.





    I'm happy for ya, Robyn! I know it is difficult to attempt going to an organized religion of any sort, after the jws. . .just soooooo hard to do! Takes a lot of determination.

    I too, found a place that I love to attend. . .but not before a LOT of church shopping! So many places just felt. . .ummmm. . .toooo "jw-ish". . .I now attend the "Centre for Positive Living". . .and I feel "at home" there. It is New Age, non-denominational. . . They have a 20-minute meditation before the service, and I really love that. I feel like I am accepted there . . .in all my . . . . . . . .errrrr. . .human-ness!!!



  • Utopian_Raindrops

    ROLF@Gizmo !!

    Did you read them while sitting on The Throne? lol

    Remember Robdar most people are raised in their religions.

    From Infancy they were taught about Hell Fire.

    So as Giz says its conditioning.

    My cousin who is a real sweat heart baffled me this past summer when she explained to me everyone who doesnt believe in The Christ will burn in Hell.

    I asked her if even people who never heard of him or were born and died long before He came to earth would go to Hell too. Her answer? Yes but dont even think about them.

    I was shocked! All she cared about is her families Salvation and no one elses! It was odd for me seeing this kind loving person saying what seemed to me to be such an uncaring thing!

    Like Giz said its conditioning and fear. My cousin is afraid of God and so she is afraid of death and Hell. It is her survival instincts taking over.

    That is what makes Jesus so rare. He was able to put aside his survival instincts and make the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind.

    I think those who can think of others before themselves are truly special persons.

    Its very odd but everyone here are those supposedly UNEXCEPTABLE to The JWs and yet I find many here who put the lives of others before their own.

    It has been a grate help to come to this place.

    Para ti Robdar.....



    P.S. Barry.your OK?!?!? Howd you make it through the fire? Glad to see you posting! Hope everything is good for you and your family. Let us know if you need anything.Cheers......

  • Robdar

    Also the 39 articals of faith of the Episcopalians dont mention hellfire either.

    Barry, I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me.

    On another note, I would not be a member of any church that still regards women as second-class citizens, unworthy of being clergy or holding office.

    Mum, it was nice to see women treated as equal and not having to cover their heads. The Episcopalians are very progressive.

    It is New Age, non-denominational. . . They have a 20-minute meditation before the service, and I really love that.

    (((((Estee))))), that sounds like an interesting service. Is it similar to Unity?

    That is what makes Jesus so rare. He was able to put aside his survival instincts and make the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind

    Well put, Utopian. Agape right back at ya.

    Thanks everybody for responding.



  • Robdar

    I just clicked through the website of St. Mary's and it all doesn't seem to be working. But, on the worship schedule, there is a great picture of the sanctuary.


  • Billygoat


    I'm so glad you had a good experience! I attended several churches before I finally joined one. It took me a long while, but I learned one thing in my search: you don't have to agree with everything to join the church. I've joined a southern Baptist church here in Texas, but there are certain doctrines I just can't accept. I've been careful to share that with only certain people, but there are sooo many reason why I am a member there. They walk the walk. I attend a VERY missions oriented church. The people there truly LOVE the way Christ loved. I think without that one characteristic nothing else matters.

    Keep attending and I'm sure you'll find so many reasons why it's beneficial to you. If you've ever been to an Al-Anon meeting you'll understand this: Keep what you like and leave the rest. That's what I've done with my church. I consider myself a Christian attending a Baptist church. I don't necessarily consider myself a traditional Baptist.

    Good luck!


  • jgnat

    It is great to see you gave it a try, Robdar. I would agree with the others here that it doesn't really matter about minor points of docrine. The Episcopalians will not require you to adhere to a strict code of conduct (unlike a certain high-control group we know about). Look for the fruits of the spirit, and take the rest with a grain of salt.

    ...and the organ, stained windows, interesting architecture and the great wine, are all bonuses. Sounds like you found a "keeper".

  • Robdar


    I appreciate your encouragement. "Keep what you like and leave the rest" is very good advice.

    Look for the fruits of the spirit, and take the rest with a grain of salt.


    As always, you inspire me.

    Thank you both for posting.



  • Athanasius

    Hi Robyn,

    I was happy to hear that you were able to attend Episcopal services today. We Episcopalians are quite different from the JWs. Our church is like a big tent and everyone is welcome. Like another Episcopalian, General George Patton, I believe in reincarnation and have discussed this with several of our priests. If I had been a JW and mentioned this to the elders they would have canned me. However, the Episcopal Church is a very tolerant church. I remember a wonderful priest who used to serve the parrish that I attended. He once said that the "church is not a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners."


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I'm not so sure that those other churches mentioned through out this thread "walk the talk" any better than most if one has to be secretive about particular church doctrine...doesn't make sense to me. Whom or What is there to be fearful of? Sounds like the same mumble-jumble of organized "spirituality", oops - I mean religion.

    Whatever happened to the great Master's having taught that The Kingdom is Within...christ/jesus didn't have anything over Buddha or a myriad of other hero figures discussed through out Mythology.

    Just my ramblings early...

    I always love the music at church gatherings. Heck, next Sunday hubby and I go to my surrogate family's church as our way of saying "I love you" before moving. No longer intimidated by their interpetations of what is good/bad...what GOD wants for me, do da, do da...people remain the most interesting subject matter. And I'm happy we all have choices. Enjoy the adventure of exploration.



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