I am a freelance court reporter. It was my best option being brainwashed that college was evil thanks to my fanatical mother who was a complete asshole when it came to rigid obedience to every remote suggestion the Watchtower ever made. Do I like it? I can do the job and do it well. It pays well. 35 years in the Borg distorted my thinking so much that I didn't know who I was or what I liked. Now at 43 I do know and am working on my plans to pursue what I love. But it's nice to have a job that pays me as well as any college graduate.
What is your job/career? Like it?
by ashitaka 60 Replies latest jw friends
At present, I have a job in local government. I am the custodian/librarian of building plans, infrastructure maps, new construction documents in a large room. I maintain indices of the documents on file. I assist the public (civil engineers, construction people, homeowners, etc.) and people in my department (engineers, planners, their assistants, etc.) with locating needed information. I like my job because I like the people I work with and the members of the public who come in.
In the past, I have been a hotel reservationist, legal receptionist, legal secretary/office manager, French and English teacher, medical office manager, and Human Resources/Personnel assistant. My present job, however, is the highest paying I've had, with the best benefits. I bought a condo half a block from work, which gives me back a lot of personal time and reduces stress immensely.
I am studying court reporting, and I love it, although most people are pessimistic about my prospects for employment because of my age (55). But I want to freelance like Mega. I am also considering obtaining a master's degree in library science online from the University of Arizona.
I consider myself competent and adaptable. Sometimes these qualities work against me because of jealous co-workers (something I would not admit in the past because of fear of sounding immodest). I learn quickly and have a higher retention rate than average. The fact is, I am good at what I do in almost any field or environment. It has taken me a long time, however, to find a work environment that is supportive.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful because I'm not.
Enjoying my day off (another benefit of being a government employee),