Whats the best anti-war film?

by sleepy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Where Eagles Dare was anti-war? How do you get that? I read the book and saw the movie. Just an action story/flick to me. I'd be interested to know how that was anti-war. Maybe I'm missing sumthin.

  • Seven

    M*A*S*H The army didn't want the troops to see it at first, which told me something. :)

    Empire of the Sun. The critics hated it. Spielberg didn't care. It had more than it's fair share of shallow moments but a young Christian Bale's portrayal of Brit-boy Jim raised the bar for child actors. His performance alone is worth the look-through a child's eyes.

  • heathen

    All the movies mentioned so far are good movies but antiwar ? I have to think on terms of Mash , which often commented on the insanity of war the series and the movie . Also love Saving Private Ryan , which obviously had undertones of anti war . Another of my favorits although be it a comedy is Catch 22 .

  • undercover

    Speilberg is a genius. He made Saving Private Ryan both a memorial to WWII vets and an anti-war movie at the same time. I came out thinking about what a price so many paid but at the same time thinking that war is such a waste.

  • Realist

    Paths of Glory (1957) wirh Kirk Douglas...great movie!!! shows that the leaders give a flying shit about the common soldiers.

    PLATOON is great too.

  • manon

    Born on the 4th of July

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    It's been mentioned a couple of times, but I'd had to vote for All Quiet on the Western Front. It's still powerful 70 years later. That's gotta say something.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Apocalypse now (I love the smell of napalm in the morning!) of course.

    How about "Oh, What a Lovely War"? Haven't seen it since school, but I remember enjoying it then. Must see it again sometime.


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