Where Eagles Dare was anti-war? How do you get that? I read the book and saw the movie. Just an action story/flick to me. I'd be interested to know how that was anti-war. Maybe I'm missing sumthin.
Whats the best anti-war film?
by sleepy 27 Replies latest jw friends
M*A*S*H The army didn't want the troops to see it at first, which told me something. :)
Empire of the Sun. The critics hated it. Spielberg didn't care. It had more than it's fair share of shallow moments but a young Christian Bale's portrayal of Brit-boy Jim raised the bar for child actors. His performance alone is worth the look-through a child's eyes.
All the movies mentioned so far are good movies but antiwar ? I have to think on terms of Mash , which often commented on the insanity of war the series and the movie . Also love Saving Private Ryan , which obviously had undertones of anti war . Another of my favorits although be it a comedy is Catch 22 .
Speilberg is a genius. He made Saving Private Ryan both a memorial to WWII vets and an anti-war movie at the same time. I came out thinking about what a price so many paid but at the same time thinking that war is such a waste.
Paths of Glory (1957) wirh Kirk Douglas...great movie!!! shows that the leaders give a flying shit about the common soldiers.
PLATOON is great too.
Born on the 4th of July
Big Tex
It's been mentioned a couple of times, but I'd had to vote for All Quiet on the Western Front. It's still powerful 70 years later. That's gotta say something.
Apocalypse now (I love the smell of napalm in the morning!) of course.
How about "Oh, What a Lovely War"? Haven't seen it since school, but I remember enjoying it then. Must see it again sometime.