America's Illusions of Grandeur

by pettygrudger 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound
    This is not meant to be a personal attack. Please don't take it as such. I'm just getting a little annoyed at the anti-Americanism taking place in this country in defense of countries that are not anywhere near us in the human rights categories.

    Being anti-bush, is anti-american? Are you people, really this stupid? I'm sorry we have a constitution, bush is intent, on trampling that, I and other anti-bush americans, are more patriotic, then any of you bush supporters, at least we care about our country and the people in it, and our constitutional rights.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Sadam is 1 man - just one

    The same argument was used against Adolf Hitler...after all he was just 'one man'. Pity the 26 million who died in WWII who's family and friends didn't realize what just one man could do.

  • Robdar

    This pro war argument reminds me of religious proselytizing. What these pro-war types are basically saying is "Democracy is the right way, all the others are wrong and therefore must be stopped. We will convert you to Democracy because it is for your own good." Sounds to me like the crusades when the Christians were shoving their religion down the infidel's throat.

    The so-called good intentions from the pro-war folk are being forced upon a society that does not want them. Since when does forced conversion equate democracy?


    Edited by - robdar on 23 January 2003 12:58:45

  • HyTech

    One of those constitutional rights being freedom of speech? And as far as being called stupid, I'm not the one that posted one helluva run-on sentence with bad punctuation!

    Hy (of the don't take it personally class)

  • pettygrudger

    Hy - thanks for counting mine as one worth posting too!

    You said

    Is it okay to take cover under America's freedoms, yet not fight for them?

    I didn't say that he wouldn't "fight" - in fact regardless of conditions, his plan is to join up as soon as he finished high school - regardless of my wishes.

    And as for us going through with this regardless of any help or agreement from other countries through the UN, please remind me of why we need their support

    Well, our whole complaint with Iraq is because he is in violation of UN resolutions -my point exactly! How is it that we can demand the world comply with UN rules/regulations/sanctions - but the US is "superiorly" above that? This makes sense to you?

    Double Edge - did you read the entire paragraph? Obviously not, or else you would not have taken those 6 words out.

    We aren't in 1930's Germany - we aren't in Hitler's time. And for those that bring up Hitler - tell me why America has let North Korea, with 4 (count em) concentration camps where on average 250,000 people go in & no-one EVER comes out go on for over a decade?!!!! You wish to speak of Sadam as the next Hitler and use this as the basis for the argument that America has a "moral" obligation to rid the world of a siduous dictator. Yet this "moral" government you stand behind has allowed North Koreans to be treated just as cruely, for a much longer period of time. Why do you think that is? Certainly not because the UN "tied America's hands".....we obviously just don't really give a rats ass about "human rights" violations, unless the propoganda tugs at a few heart strings.

  • Robdar

    One of those constitutional rights being freedom of speech? And as far as being called stupid, I'm not the one that posted one helluva run-on sentence with bad punctuation!

    Hy, I don't know you but must ask, what is your point? Is this the only argument that you can come up with? It appears that you are implying that TH is stupid because he wrote a run-on sentence. Intelligence takes many forms. Of course, you knew that, being so smart and all. How many foreign languages can you speak? Ask TH how many he is fluent in. Don't be so quick to assume.

    Robyn--of the stick to the issues at hand class

    Edited by - robdar on 23 January 2003 13:8:23

  • happyout

    I hope I don't get trounced for this.

    I am not pro-Bush. Neither am I anti-Bush, as I feel it's too simplistic to say I am against a person's entire political agenda. I don't like that he is leading my country, but I respect that he is.

    That being said, I believe it is necessary to do something soon and serious about Iraq. Too many times the world has waited to act against dictators, millions of people paid with their lives. While there will be casualties, I believe the number will be far less if we take out Saddam than if he is left in power much longer. I am usually "anti war", but I see things only getting worse if something is not done in the immediate future to avoid a world catastrophe.

    I know a great deal of the world looks upon Americans as bullies, but the fact is, most of them put is in the position of making judgements and "rescuing" countries that find themselves in hard times. Mention is rarely made of the billions of dollars America sends to assist regions with food, medical aid, etc. It's chic right now to trash America, but those same countries depend on America for aid, and have been for generations. I bet dollars to donuts ( I don't know why I used that, I've never understood what it is supposed to mean), that when America goes to war, these countries will assist as little as they can, and then take credit for "assisting".

    Freedom must be purchased with blood, because those who are tyrants only recognise that currency. My son is too young to go to war, I have the unrealistic dream that "peace" will come during his lifetime. At this time, America is not instituting the draft, it is voluntary to join the military. I don't know if that wil change, but perhaps those of you concerned about your sons can take comfort in the knowledge that they aren't being forced to serve.

    Just my opinion, please respect my right to it, as I respect your right to yours.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Did Iraq get UN approval when it invaded IRAN+Kuwait???????

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Double Edge - did you read the entire paragraph? Obviously not, or else you would not have taken those 6 words out.

    Yes I did read the entire paragraph and yes your thinking IS Pollyannish if you think we can 'buy' our way out to secure our safety. I am not pro-war, I lost many friends in Vietnam. Your right this isn't 1930's Germany, but the old adage still remains "those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them".... and I think that 'just one man' can do a lot of harm.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Did Iraq get UN approval when it invaded IRAN+Kuwait???????

    Nope, but he did from the U.S.

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