I wonder sometimes which American city some people would like Saddam to attack before they felt the US had justification for going after him?
Good reasoning! Damn fine! Well, you know what, *I* wonder sometimes which American city some people would like Chirac to attack before they felt the US had justificiation for going after France, damnit!
I mean, the French have done just as much against as Iraq has! No, more even! The French have actually invaded American soil in the past! Iraq has never attacked the US or any US city, so DOWN WITH THE FRENCH!!!
And, while we're at it, let's get the Chinese, too. And the Russians. And, and.....
You see, it just doesn't work. If we start attacking people just because they MIGHT be a threat to us MAYBE at some point in the future....
Well, that's the justification Hitler used with Germans to start World War II. Do you really, REALLY want to go down that road?
used against Adolf Hitler...after all he was just 'one man'
C'mon, DE, that's bullshit and you know it. Hitler could not have gotten NEARLY as far as he did if he did not have a LOT of things Saddam doesn't have:
- Charisma - like it or not, Hitler was charismatic and had the support of almost all the German people. Saddam does NOT
- Intelligence - in war, at least, Hitler was an above average tacticial. Saddam has proven he is most certainly not.
- Allies - could Germany have gotten ANYWHERE in WW2 if not for the alliance with Italy, Japan, and Russia? No one is allying with Iraq!
You may as well be saying 'That argument could be used against SATAN! And SATAN was just one man, and look what he did to humanity!' It would be just as valid a comparison (IE., completely groundless).