A Jehovah's Witness in a relationship with a non-Jehovah's Witness

by KShelton 27 Replies latest social family

  • enoughisenough

    do you really believe someone will always be around to chaperon these kids...that could run into years-quite a commitment...by the time they are 15, I would wager they would find work arounds or the chaperones would have other things to do...that isn't the real issue here but should be considered. I take it your son may be baptized as a witness. This could be used as an opportunity to get the kid out of the JW org. Explain to him exactly what happens to him as a witness, what happens to him if he goes down this path...do it from the standpoint of how JW cherry pick scriptures out of context to control him. ( or does he think he will convert this girl/) You could just let your son and wife work it out as it is a religious issue. So maybe he disobeys his Mom and you stay neutral. If things go south, you get blamed. even if neutral. I don't see happy endings here unless you support her, you will end up in the dog house.

  • HappyDad

    All of you need your heads examined if you think it is ok for 13 year old CHILDREN to be in a "romantic" relationship. WTF????

  • Diogenesister
    ExBethelitepima I notice you have a 14 year marriage and a 13 year old son, you may not want to answer this but did you remain chaste before your wedding day?

    For goodness sakes that's cheeky, inappropriate (and frankly not relevant)!!! You say some proper off the wall stuff sometimes

    Kev Shelton I apologise on behalf of the forum.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    my troll radar is pinging.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    It is relevant.

    It is absolutely relevant if he feels it’s ok for 13 year old to be sleeping around.

    Does he have high moral standards like the JWs no sex before marriage or does he think it’s ok to experiment. This is absolutely relevant to what we are discussing here.

    I maintain if you stay close to Bible principals you are well protected against all kinds of problems especially from a young age.

    this is relevant and this is exactly what is being discussed here.

  • punkofnice
    Stan - my troll radar is pinging.

    I get a peculiar tingle too.

    We'll know if the moon landing denial comes out.

  • enoughisenough

    "troll radar"...I agree something is way off.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think the first thing you should know is that this site is populated mostly with ex-JWs and this site is considered "apostate" by The Watchtower.

    Second, your kids are NOT JWs unless they are baptized, and if they are not it is in your - and their - best interest if they DO NOT get baptized until they are of legal age - Jesus got baptized at 30 years of age.

    Third, you need to spend some time reading the following site: https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses

    Good luck to you and your entire family.

  • peacefulpete

    You may have left already but the greater issues revolve around the nature of the church. It is an isolationist high control group. You (as the non-JW husband) are regarded as either a potential convert or an enemy of God. You seem to be a partial convert, having adopted some of the language but retain language from your past church affiliation.

    You are completely justified in being indignant regarding their sectarian isolationism. The extent of the control over the lives of members is not limited to just who they date. All personal decisions are determined by how the church directs. Your son is exercising independence, that is what is most deeply disturbing to your wife, it is an alarm bell for those fully invested in the church. He is probably already being marked by other youths in the congregation as 'bad association'.

    This social distancing can be very powerful in compelling members to conform. If you find the sectarian isolation a concern you might express that to your son.

    Let him know that you will love him regardless his religious choices in life.

  • Vanderhoven7

    To the father of the girl I would say, don't allow your daughter to date until after high school. Before that and you will mess with their education, their emotions, their hormones and your relationship. I hate to sound crude, but when you have a son, you only have to worry about one putz.....

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