Unemployed To Be Conscripted?

by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    An army friend of ours says that the Armed Forces are buzzing with rumours that the Government has plans to bring the draft back to the UK very shortly.

    At present, over 50% of forces personal have been earmarked for active service in Iraq, more than any time since WW2.

    First in line for conscription are unemployed males in the 18 - 35 age group.


  • bay64me

    I was having a conversation with a friend about this subject, just the other day.

    Seeing as the police force are having such a dilema as to what to do with burglars at the moment, don't you think it is a good idea?

    Maby a good dose of discipline is what is needed for persistent car thieves, burglars, shop-lifters, etc.

    As for the unemployed, if they were to be conscripted, wouldn't that be a great opportunity for them to be trained in some skill, thus enhancing their career prospects?

  • D8TA
    wouldn't that be a great opportunity for them to be trained in some skill, thus enhancing their career prospects?

    Is this before or after they are Killed In Action?

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    Being in the armed forces myself I am not at all sure that I would want some of the idiots you see at the unemployment centres or just hanging about being trained and having the ability to use automatic weapons, the firepower the weapon's produce is frightful and most people I work with think the same, a small well drilled and equipped unit will defeat a larger rabble any time. As a side point I dont think that it is fair to send people of to fight who have not made the committment to the defence forces willingly and because they are only complying with what the government is trying to do.

    Mr Curious

    Edited by - Curious MInd on 25 January 2003 9:45:50

  • Debz

    I wouldn`t like to see my son be conscripted ...although a bit of armed force discipline is fine with me...

    My concern is more about whether he would end up Killed In Action!!!!!

    and I know you can`t have it both ways but at 17 he is just a baby....I would have dreaded to live in my grandmothers day when `boys` were sent to war it must have been terrible for the parents left at home!...

  • Englishman


    My eldest son (from my first marriage) is 32 and he's been out of the army for just over a year. However, because he's an ex- Lancer, his skills are in great demand for use on the Challenger 2 tank, consequently he's a first-call reservist. So I too share your concerns.

    BTW, the Ninth and Twelfth Lancers, who were once a horseback outfit, transferred to tanks in 1915, but kept the name.


  • jst2laws

    Hello Eman,

    BTW, the Ninth and Twelfth Lancers, who were once a horseback outfit, transferred to tanks in 1915, but kept the name

    I was wondering why the name "Lancers" for a tank division. You are a walking encyclopedia.


  • Pleasuredome


    the lance was the weapon of the 9th and 12th lancers when they were on horseback(if they dont ride horses now, what do they ride?), who were amalgamated in the 50/60's. they are now a light tank regiment.

  • reporter

    The Bush-whackers don't know when to say quit. And they've got Tony Blair hoodwinked into this same war-measures-act propaganda. This is just another example. They will be exposed, and removed. Margaret Thatcher may play a key role.

  • reporter

    I suppose this is supposed to be some sort of sinister workfare plan to get people skills and employment. Yeah right.

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