Momentous Times Ahead! (Next Week)

by reporter 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • nakedmvistar


    The latest and deadliest scam, based on yet another improbable mythology, is the "secret law" called NESARA or the National Stabilization And Reformation Act, which has been ceaselessly propagated by one who calls herself "the Dove of Oneness". The mythologies of NESARA all revolve around the legitimate losses and the truly tragic swindles of the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of farm and ranching families and rural businesses were drawn into the whirlpool of bankruptcy and foreclosures, and from that long-running tragedy was generated a movement which has been called The Farm Claims.

    The Dove of Oneness, who claims to receive messages from the Ascended Master St. Germain, has taken many opportunities to link the origin of NESARA as a secret law reforming the whole of the United States' tax code, abolishing the income tax, to then moving the country into a gold standard. Whether this individual knows it or not, the so-called Master is none other than Doris J. Ekker, who has registered the alias of St. Germain.

    NESARA is not just a mythology. It is not just a scam designed to build an e-mail list for later use by other confidence men, fraud experts and flim-flam artists !! It is an incredibly dangerous and insidious trap, a psychological warfare tactic, designed to ensnare thousands of good and patriotic Americans, and to taint and sully the whole of a group of people who have become known as "the Children of Light."

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    Where were the U.S. Fighter Jets at when the Hi-Jacked Jet was flying towards the Pentagon?

    What a load of crap there is no way the airforce could have caught those aircraft in the time allowed, because while the F16's are faster than passenger jets the cruise speed is not that dissimilar and faster means they burn fuel at a prodigious rate and would have ran out of fuel before they could have caught them. Even with air to air refueling it would not have made much difference because a fighter has to slow down to the speed of the tanker to refuel. Also aricraft do not fly around armed on routine training sorties because it is too dangerous, weapons are only carried when they are required, they are explosives. Just ask yourself, "do you think that a USAF Officer would willingly let thousnads of people die if it was within his power to prevent it?"

    Mr Curious Mind

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Mr. Curious Mind:

    Andrews Air Force Base is a huge military installation just 10 miles from the Pentagon. On September 11th there were two entire squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets at Andrews. Their job was to protect the skies over Washington D.C. They failed to do their job. Despite having an hour's advance warning of a terrorist attack in progress, not a single Andrews fighter tried to protect the city. The FAA, NORAD and the military have cooperative procedures by which fighter jets automatically intercept commercial aircraft under emergency conditions. These procedures were not followed. If the FAA is required by law to notify the US government of a reported hijacking, as they did before the first hit at the World Trade Center, why then, with well over half an hour before the attack on the Pentagon, were no preventive military actions taken by Andrews Air Force Base?

    According to the New York Times, by 8:56 A.M. (if not earlier), it is clear Flight 77 has gone missing. Yet the same newspaper points out NORAD is not notified about it for another 28 minutes! [New York Times, 10/16/01] Why were fighters not scrambled IMMEDIATELY to find Flight 77?

    At 9:41 A.M., Flight 77 hits the Pentagon.

    Think about that.

    Here are some points to think about:

    The scrambling of fighter aircraft at the first sign of trouble is a routine phenomenon. Between 9/11 and June, 2002, jets were scrambled after aircraft 462 times. Obviously there was great nervousness after 9/11, but in the same time period the year before, fighters were still scrambled 67 times. [Taken From Associated Press News, 8/13/02]

    "Consider that an aircraft emergency exists... when: ... There is unexpected loss of radar contact and radio communications with any... aircraft." [Taken from the FAA Regulations]

    "If... you are in doubt that a situation constitutes an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as though it were an emergency." [Taken from the FAA Regulations]

    "Pilots are supposed to hit each fix with pinpoint accuracy. If a plane deviates by 15 degrees, or two miles from that course, the flight controllers will hit the panic button. Theyll call the plane, saying "American 11, youre deviating from course." Its considered a real emergency, like a police car screeching down a highway at 100 miles an hour. When golfer Payne Stewarts incapacitated Learjet missed a turn at a fix, heading north instead of west to Texas, F-16 interceptors were quickly dispatched." [Taken from MSNBC News, 9/12/01]

    "A NORAD spokesman says its fighters routinely intercept aircraft. When planes are intercepted, they typically are handled with a graduated response. The approaching fighter may rock its wingtips to attract the pilot's attention, or make a pass in front of the aircraft. Eventually, it can fire tracer rounds in the airplane's path, or, under certain circumstances, down it with a missile." [Taken from the Boston Globe Newspaper, 9/15/01]

    "In October, Gen. Eberhart told Congress that 'now it takes about one minute' from the time that the FAA senses something is amiss before it notifies NORAD. And around the same time, a NORAD spokesofficer told the Associated Press that the military can now scramble fighters 'within a matter of minutes to anywhere in the United States.'" [Taken from Slate News, 1/16/02]

    The commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force, Anatoli Kornukov said the day after 9/11: "Generally it is impossible to carry out an act of terror on the scenario which was used in the USA yesterday... As soon as something like that happens here, I am reported about that right away and in a minute we are all up." [Taken from Pravda News, 9/12/01]

    Supposedly, on 9/11, there are only 4 fighters on ready status in the Northeastern US, and only 14 fighters on ready status in the entire US. [Taken from BBC News, 8/29/02]

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 26 January 2003 5:35:23

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 26 January 2003 5:37:18

  • back2dafront

    Thank you Undisfellowshipped. You've done a lot of research on this.

    I can't believe anyone would say our Airforce can't catch a passenger plane without running out of fuel. ???

    Maybe some read this and think somehow the Air Force dropped the ball, but I just can't come to that conclusion no matter how hard I try. I mean, they practice for this type of thing, and then when the real thing happens and a plane is making a beeline for the PENTAGON after two planes have already slammed into the WTC, ummmm.....HELLO. D.C. cannot be that vulnerable.

    Are we the only ones that think this way? As those events unfolded that day, I never concluded it was an inside job, but it all seemed rather odd to me. Had it been one plane, that would've been a lot more convincing, but...FOUR? And then when the one "crashed" in an empty field, yet the picture showed little wreckage, then reports were released saying that part of the plane was found a mile or so from the crash site, yet the government denied any implications that it was shot down. Then you never heard about it anymore and when I tried to find info about it I couldn't. It just all seemed fishy but I was too emotionally distraught to try to make any sense out of it.

    I dunno, I just figured more people would sense how strange the whole thing unfolded, but I guess not. I think their desire to hate and blame another race for the event drowns out any idea or thought that it could be any different. It's like the jury who deep down knows the person being tried could be innocent, but because he or she is a minority, they vote guilty for they'd rather not be the one to stick out like a sore thumb for sticking up for a minority. (or for any other reason they vote guilty knowing that there could be a possibility the person is innocent)

    Also, the whole way the investigation into whether or not Bush knew about 9/11 beforehand was shot down and replaced by war w/ Iraq news and erased out of peoples minds also led me to believe something is fishy. I'm not one to say he orchestrated it or anything of that sort, I'm just convinced it all didn't happen like we've been told. And for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would instantly label this whole thing as "conspiracy" and not question these things. Undisfellowshipped provides more evidence, yet still nothing from the ones who laugh at me, called me naive and said I must obviously be high on something. I don't think this is funny at all - if you're going to insult me be damned well ready to prove how my reasoning is off-based - if not shut the hell up because you're the one that looks like an idiot, not me.



    the article said that the location in Pennsylvania was hit to destroy something underground. I LIVE THERE! There is NOTHING underground! Pennsylvania is just PHilly and Pittsburgh with Arkansas in the middle! Central PA is absolutely farm country. Ooh, the secret Amish Commando Installation, that must be it! The Hidden Illuminati Quilting Bee! Handcrafted Furniture from the New World Order!


    CZAR of the contemptuous skeptic class.

    I've been to Pennsylvania many many times and not once did I look underground for hidden government buildings.

    In fact, I've never searched any state for underground buildings. People have dug underground tunnels and escaped from high security prisons before, yet you think the government cannot build an underground establishment in Pennsylvania without you knowing about it.

    And I'm the crazy one? Please understand you could be absolutely 100% correct, but your reasoning does not support your claim at ALL. Personally, if I were President I would've built an underground nuclear fallout shelter YEARS ago, but obviously since you've never seen it there isn't one.

    Edited by - back2dafront on 26 January 2003 10:30:20

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