Would You Kiss A Smoker?

by Englishman 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Well as you all must know, I gave up smoking a year ago, and I'm sorry to say I haven't had a snog in all that time. So if anyone would like to volunteer, I can get back to you with an answer!!!

    *sad and lonely but with very clean breath*

  • Tatiana

    I'll take a million demerits if what I say makes even one person think about dying too soon.

    But, I quit. The soapbox collapsed. I didn't know this was a fluff thread.


  • Introspection

    April I appreciate what you're saying. As a person that's health conscious I would want the same for someone I love, but I think the only thing that's a bit different for me is that I can't be completely identified with how their health would affect me in terms of loss. Naturally if they are so addicted as to be incapable of a meaningful relationship, it would be out of the question. However, if say that is the only one bad quality they have I would be inclined to show that I love them regardless, though I would make it very clear that I don't love that habit because I love them.

  • blondie

    Francois, I win the bet. When I was 4, I licked an ashtray (and ate a couple of cigarette butts) left out in my reach by my parents. I guess it wasnt too bright to do but I saw my parents putting those white things in their mouths and thought cigarettes must taste good. Boy, was I wrong. Made me pretty sick too.

    If you meant done it as an adult, no, I learned my lesson well.


  • manon



  • Mary

    I did kiss a smoker once. It was so much of a turn-off.........yuck, yuck, yuck.........I will never do that again, I don't care if he looks like Mel Gibson.

  • Robdar

    Being a reformed smoker, I would have to say yes if the person was worth kissing to begin with. No, if not.


  • morrisamb

    I do and have for 6 years. M smokes; I don't.

    I was at the dentist having my teeth cleaned and this subject came up;

    Dental Assistant: "How can you live with someone who smokes? I'd never."

    Me: "You know what? I've had 4 serious relationships in my life. The first three didn't smoke; I never thought I'd go with a smoker. I'm happier with the smoker than with the first 3 combined!"

    Guess, I answered the question.

  • TruckerGB

    I am very very Relieved!.

    After reading this thread earlier in the evening,I went round the pub(a normal Saturday night event),and who should walk in,(another normal Saturday night event),but E man.

    As I lit up one of my Dutch Cafe Cremes,I said to him,'would you kiss me',he said 'no'.,

    As I have no desire whatsoever to recieve a kiss from Eman,the relief that reply gave me,,,I had another 2 pints ,,,and I won nearly 500 on the pub lottery..

    Take care,


  • SheilaM

    No I wouldn't but Thunder does smoke a pipe but I can't even tell <thinks he never inhales personally>

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