by MYOHNSEPH 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Valis

    I have always been interested in the Mayan civilizations and they're overall flood myth is one that occurs several times actually...where the gods that came together were experimenting with making humans after the planet and animals.....first with dirt...it rained and they all turned to mud..oops... then with wood...the wood men were very hateful..the Popol Vuh reads that they were even mean to their cooking utensils..how mean is that?!! The gods got pissed and rained black tar upon their heads..leaving nothing but small monkeys as a reminder for what you get when you are hateful. Then they didn't even create humans again until the deaths of two demi gods...a long story...but in the end the One Mother makes the first four men out of maize from the great mountain of white corn they had found for her..The funniest part of their myth is that the first 4 were much like Adam and Eve...in that they "Saw everything under the sky.." Sound familiar? Well..the gods simply couldn't have all that so they provided a distraction for them...anybody wanna guess what the distraction was?

    This site has a list of Universal Flood Myths..I thoight you might enjoy.


    District Overbeer

  • garybuss
  • Robdar

    allowing for the possibility those peaks weren't quite a high as they are today

    Those peaks would have been higher than today. Although not by much. The older a mountain chain, the rounder and smaller it becomes. Erosion is partly responsible for it. But this takes thousands of years.

    There is also the north and south poles and underground streams and lakes.

    Of course, I don't believe that there was ever an earth wide flood. Just offering some possibilities here.


  • pettygrudger

    Another keeper AlanF - thank you.


    Hi folks, I think I know the answer.

    All that water, it went to: CANADA

  • SwedishChef

    The Bible alludes to what happened to the water after the flood, and to make it short - it's still here.

    Psalms 104:6-9 "Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth."

    Before the flood, the topography of the planet must have been extremely different. God raised vast amounts of land above the water, and the water went "down by the valleys unto the place which [God] hast founded for them". He then set a border at which the water could not pass over again.

  • hooberus

    Here is an interesting arcticle from a group of creationist geologists not affiliated with the Watchtower Society. The writers have Phd's from accredited secular universities and one of them (John Baumgartner) had a write up in U.S. News and World Report and is considered to be an expert in geological computer modeling. Generally when an arcticle defending the Bibles account of the flood is presented on this forum, the scientists who wrote the information will come under some form of personal attack by those here who hate the Bible. Don't be deterred by ad-hominem attacks.


  • Goshawk

    Having been a Geology Major in college this very topic was what started my rethinking of what the Org. taught. Having seen the physical evidence, preserved in layers of rock, that directly contradicted what I was taught to believe growing up.

    AlanF there is another simple point that shoots large holes in the flood (Noahician as it were) presented by the "Society Writers".

    The evidence of several different layers in a stratagraphic column containing trace fossils produced by raindrops hitting soft exposed sediment. If there were no rain before the flood, trace fossils of this type found at different levels in the strata would indicate repeated exposure to the rain after the flood started. This would indicate several cycles of deposition, exposure to rain and then preservation by more sediment deposit. It would take a very complicated model to deposit sediments, raise the sediments above the water level, and then lower the same sediments below the water level for more deposition in such a cyclic fashion.



  • AlanF

    Goshawk, you're right about the problem with fossilized rainprints, but it's even worse for the "flood geologists" than you've described.

    For rainprints to even occur, raindrops have to fall on thick mud. Why mud? Obviously because a hard surface wouldn't take an imprint of a fallen raindrop. Why thick as opposed to thin mud? Because thin mud would just absorb the drop and there would be nothing preserved. And of course, this thick mud would have to be exposed to the air -- which would be unlikely given the usual YEC scenario of massive amounts of Flood water sloshing around continuously. For rainprints to be preserved, the mud they're in has to dry out. This is because if it were still wet when the next cycle of flooding came along, they would be wiped out by the flow of water. So for rainprints to show up in the fossil record of a supposed Flood, you would need an incredibly unlikely set of events to occur. The same goes for fossilized mudcracks and such. These goofy "flood geologists" have absolutely no way to explain such things.

    Hooberus, I'm familiar with John Baumgartner. I have no doubt that he's a competent modeler of mantle convection, but only when his work is supervised and/or critiqued by others who do not have his YEC agenda. Under such circumstances YECs have enough sense to stick with the facts and not insert their foolishness into their work -- otherwise they would quickly lose credibility and their jobs. As for Baumgartner's results as applied to "flood geology", from what I've read in his work he really has no results at all. He has made many assumptions in applying his mantle convection models, all of which, so far as I can see, are completely unrealistic and designed purely to help make his results come out the way he wants. Naturally, this is done on his own time and without peer review, as I'm certain he knows that peer review would be fatal. On your own time you can be as foolish as you like, but you can't bring it to work.

    As for the article you cited, it's a classically informationless piece of nonsense designed to fool naive Bible believers into thinking that YEC "scholars" are really on to something. Worse, it's designed to fool their own selves. The article contains almost nothing but qualitative descriptions of speculated mechanisms of "flood geology" akin to the wild silliness of Immanuel Velikovsky. Even I, not a professional geologist, can see huge holes in the descriptions. A good deal of the assumptions and descriptions are inconsistent. This is because the men doing the speculating are not trying to come up with a consistent theory of 'flood geology plate tectonics' but are trying to find ad hoc ways of fitting real plate tectonics -- which even they can no longer deny -- into the myth of Noah's Flood which they believe only because they learned these Bible stories on mommy's knee.

    In other words, hooberus, these guys are not doing science -- they're doing biblical apologetics and using a farcical view of science to support it -- exactly as the Jehovah's Witnesses do. The difference is that they're a bit more sophisticated than the JW Governing Body.


  • rem
    Before the flood, the topography of the planet must have been extremely different. God raised vast amounts of land above the water, and the water went "down by the valleys unto the place which [God] hast founded for them". He then set a border at which the water could not pass over again.

    Tell that to the bristlecone pine trees that predate the alleged flood and are still alive today in California. These amazingly old trees live on these mountaintops you claim were created by the flood. No tree would have survived such geological upheaval. Not only did these trees somehow live through these amazing events, but also their tree rings do not seem to show any evidence of flooding or trauma a few thousand years ago.


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