Reborn, you got it backwards. EVERYBODY can take O negative blood. But those with O negative can only take O negative. Us O negatives are the ones that are screwed.
Do You Know Your Blood Type?
by RAYZORBLADE 83 Replies latest watchtower medical
You - out of all people - are one of the lucky ones if you ever get into an accident. Your blood type is known as the Universal Recipient, meaning all other types are compatible with your blood and you can receive blood from anyone. However, you can ONLY DONATE to other people with AB+.
Ever watch ER?? When the trauma vics come in and the doc yells "4 Units of O Neg!"..... O neg can be given to anyone safely, that's why the Red Cross and Canadian Blood Services like us so much.
Like jgnat says..... if someone like me (an O neg) needs blood...... O neg is our only option.
give, give, give... that's all we O negs do... take, take, take... that's what AB+'s do. (end Jewish grandmother subroutine)
Love, Scully
Edited by - Scully on 27 January 2003 11:40:43
I did have it backwards, I looked at the chart again.
Thanks for the clarification then!
YAY! lol
O neg here ... who would have thought we were so popular? Actually I'm surprised how many of us are out there!
Scully, is there some breakdown of what population percentages are each of the various types? I imagine the breakdown is different for different parts of the world, i.e. Asians are more likely to be B type, etc.
Yes, there are stats on population and blood type. There are even stats on race and blood type. I don't have them at my fingertips, but I'll do some research this afternoon and make a follow-up post later. 'K??
Love, Scully
One of the benefits of military service was that our blood type was listed right on our dog tags, so we all knew what it was. O+ here.
Lew W
all this blood is making me queezy
Love, Scully
I am A negative.
Scully - fascinating! Thanks for posting!