A+. I remember from the little finger prick tests that we did in junior high school biology class, back when they could still do that kind of stuff, which always fascinated me much more than disecting dead frogs & pigs.
Do You Know Your Blood Type?
by RAYZORBLADE 83 Replies latest watchtower medical
I have no idea, but I'm hyper loaded with red blood cells.
I recently received my donor card in the mail and found out I'm A+.
A I'm A-Neg
Rosalyn (who posts here on occasion) had mentioned to me something rather interesting regarding: Rhogam.
Apparently, it was discouraged for a practicing JW woman to take (the injection).
I just wish I could remember the article she mentioned in either the Watchtower or Awake that indicated that it could be taken. (?1979) I think it was one of those moments where it was OK for a brief period of time.
Can you imagine how many JW women who had problems with their children's births, could have been spared heartbreak, by possibly taking it. Many women have lost their babies due to Rh incompatibility. Mother is rh Negative, child is Rh Positive.
Nonetheless, it's important to know your blood type, the ramifications for mother's and their children are serious. When you get an opportunity: find out.
I'm O-. So is my son, and so is his father so no injections needed at the time of birth. The blood banks love me to give blood. The only problem is, the last time I gave at work, I was fine until I saw the blood get up and walk away in a little plastic bag attached to the hands of the nurse. It took me an hour to recover my equilibrium enough to get up out of the chair and get back to work. I suppose the field of healthcare is not in my occupational future.
Hi Ray:
I just wish I could remember the article she mentioned in either the Watchtower or Awake that indicated that it could be taken. (?1979) I think it was one of those moments where it was OK for a brief period of time.
It was a Questions from Readers article in the Watchtower around 1990 when it suddenly became a Conscience Matter™ for True Christians™ to accept blood fractions such as Rhogam. I'll have to look it up on the CD-ROM when I get home from work in the morning to give a more precise answer.
Love, Scully
I'm B- and my ex is A+. Our son is AB-.
Scully thank you for all your information.
My type is B+............