The USA and the 'Divine Mandate'

by Abaddon 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Hi Joanna

    The rhetoric both in that speech and elsewhere is exactly what I have been trying to discuss, so thank you.

    I have yet to see one arguement from Perry that proves (using George W's comments and speeches as evidence) that he does not believe in some kind of spiritual backing.

    In fact, as you and many have observed, using that same pool of evidence George W seems to believe he has got divine backing.

    Now, he's entitled to his own beliefs, but what of the agnostics, athiests, Musilims, CHristains opposed to war who dop not believe god backs his fight? How can he make such statements when he has a responsibility to represent them too?

    How can he make such statements, when he knows any statement like that will be seized on as propoganda by Islamic fundamentalists to support their claim it is about religion?

    At the very least such talk is inconsiderate and foolish. At the worst it could lead to hubris, pride before a fall.

    God on your side, most powerful millitary machine in the history of the world, what could possibly go BOOM!?

    As you say though, some people kid themselves...


    The obsenities really don't accomplish anything do they? I mean really, you are an intelligent guy right? Don't you want good hearted people to be attracted to your leftist cause?

    Red herring, strawman, switch and bait. You lie. Please show me where I used obsenities. Oh, and make sure you look up what an obsenity is.

    All the hatred for the USA, conservatism, people of faith, etc; really does nothing but to show by comparison, that George Bush is nothing more than a president, probably not much different than your own prime minister, who is simply trying to protect his country.

    Strawman, switch and bait. I don't hate any of the things you mention. Funny how you are quite happy to lie about me to support your arguement, but would wail in indignation if I was not accurate in my assertions about you. Hyp-hyp-Hurray?

    Now, in the interest of fairness and civility, I ask you to please hold your obsenities to a minimum so we can get through this. Can you do this? Sure you can; you and I have been down this road before.

    Repeated red herring; these obsenities are in your head. Where are they? Please quote, from this thread...

    I have sifted through much of your dialog and tried to pick out the key points that you are trying to put forth here. Now stay with me.

    What about your factual errors Perry?

    Do you really think people are that stupid, that they cannot see your evasion? You may delude yourself. In fact you're the first person I've met who has delusions of adequacy. But I don't think you fool other people. I have a feeling that your knowledge of other areas is as reliable and well informed as your knowledge of the Netherlands...

    You plainly agreed that you are fearful of "anyone who believes in god" right?

    Strawman. I never agreed to such a thing. You are a liar, or have a problem with reading.

    Now George Bush does believe in God, so logically that makes you fearful of him right?

    This is getting tedious. Why not base your arguement on the things I have said, rather than the things you want me to have said? Is it because you can't actually counter the things I have said, so to protect your delicate iddle ego have to spin a fantasy world where, even if you have to trample on truth, you can make it look, to yourself, as though you are wise and tolerant, when in fact you are neither?

    The fact that he leads the USA, which is now under major attack from a ring of international terrorists, and will likely result in retaliation doesn't help your fear level either does it?

    Ok now that we understand the reasoning behind your thread, let's examine some of your more specific fears.

    This is you continuing the conversation you're having with yourself about things you say I say or feel, which I have not said or do not feel. What you're doing is self-abuse with a keyboard Perry, it's not a discussion.

    You admitted that you are trying to compare all people of faith with Bin Laden. I directly asked you this question and you answered Yup. I take that as a yes. Does it make sense to you to compare all atheists with Stalin? He murdered untold millions of people. No doubt he reasoned that since survival of the fittest meant that he was the fittest, he was justified in elimanating people who disagreed with him. That is in harmony with nature.

    You miss the point I made in that very paragraph that 'faith' has nothing to do with good or bad. You also fail to take on board I have acknowledged that the secular and the sectarian are equally capable of being beastly to one another. This entire paragraph above is just more self-abuse with a keyboard. Partial quoting to make a point is a bad habit. Who have you been associating with? Where did you get it and all the other pointless little tricks you try? Debating Society? I think not, you'd have been torn to shreds.

    Can you understand how a severly uneducated person, say a person heavily laden with phobias not unlike people leaving destructive cults could be fearful of all atheists? That seems perposterous to you doesn't it? It should because it is. Just because a person chooses to be atheist doesn't mean that he will take it to it's most radical and heartless end does it? Of course not.

    You're still constructing an arguement based on unfounded libels you've made against me. Yawn. I hope it makes you feel good - this amount of self-decption early in the morning makes ME want to be ill.

    Likewise, a person with faith will not declare a holy war against all people unlike himself just because Bin Laden chose to see his existence as a divine mandate from God to kill Americans and Jews. It is easy to jump to conclusions when someone as powerful as the president holds different personal views than you do. You don't understand him because you are not like him, you are not an American, and thus are not familiar with his possible reactions.

    Conversly, someone like myself who lives in Texas, likes the example set by Jesus Christ, and has seen Bush's direct interest in people and their freedoms will feel far more comfortable with his leadership. But that's the point he is our leader not yours. Still, I understand your viewpoint.

    No you don't. You lie about what I say, and don't have a shred of evidence to back up those lies. You make continual use of arguementative tactics like red herrings, straw man, and switch and bait. You fail to engage in the issue, as you're far too involved in proving how right you are to actually think about facts, and why it's neccesary for you to distort them to back-up your arguement. You fail to respond to an obvious and massive amount of mis-information about the Netherlands you tried to use to back up your arguement, or at least to switch and bait the line of discussion.

    I find it most illuminative;


    I believe this is the clearest indicator of your level of personal integrity. What was it 'your' book says about judging trees by their fruits? Who is said to be the father of the lie? Who's your daddy Perry?

    Now, I want to address your concerns about native americans. The european puritans viewed themselves as evil and in need of redemption, the natives viewed themselves asa mixture of good and evil. A puritan knew he'd go to heaven and the native knew he'd return to mother earth. The Puritan plowed the earth for food and the native saw this as anathema. How could he rip his own mother up? They definitely tried to live peaceably. The indian had no concept of individual land ownership, just communal. Sounds good until you try to plant a crop and someone decides to take the food.

    Wonderful, a few days into the debate and he actually does some research. God bless Google! Funnily enough, the Indian tribes the Puritans had contact with actually used agriculture. THAT'S HOW THEY WERE ABLE TO KEEP THE MAYFLOWER PILGRIMS ALIVE. Learn your own history man, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    This was a clash of cultures that neither native americans nor the europeans were equipped to deal with. Although fascinated with each other, they really were both in a quandry as to what to do with one another. Organization won out like it has over and over throughout the centuries. People escaped the bloodbaths of Europe only to find themselves embroiled with neighbors whose concept of freedom seemed like slavery to the elements to them.

    This is all leading up to the point where it's okay to kill Indians, isn't it?

    Did the indians eventually feel that they had a spiritual mandate to stop the european? Sure they did. Just like the europeans felt like they had a mandate to "civilize" them. People always find a legitimization for their will to survive.

    Yup, it was.

    It is a long held right, Perry, of people to defend their homelands from invasion. Most modern people will agree that the behaviour of the Europeans and Americans towards the indigenous populations of land they invaded was to the largest extent unjustifiable. Let's see how far down this apologetic road you will travel...

    The world is facing another clash of cultures right now. Militant Islam is marching against the rest of the world. They seek to dominate western ideals and bring people into subjection to Allah. I believe that the world is now educated enough to not let the attrocities of the recent past to continue.

    Regardless of someone's justifications, religious, moral, civil, or natural to protect themselves, they have a right to do that. This conflict is not one over land. It is not one over money. It is not one over survival. It is a conflict born out of hatred for the infidel. They do not like the success of the west. They are terrified of it destroying the carefully crafted fear structures and control mechanisms they have installed in the minds of people under autocratic rule. They seek to turn back the progress of the last several hundred years and plummet the region into a religious rule of phobic prophets.

    You have no fear from people of faith that respect the rights of others, just as you have no reason to fear atheists that do not act like despots. What however, is a real and present fear is people who use WMD and seek to subjugate their neighbors under tyranny.

    Nice little speech at the end there, reassuring me that something I know and have never had issue with ('You have no fear from people of faith that respect the rights of others'). You can't win an arguement by avoiding all the mistakes you made, acting superior, using crude arguementative techniques left right and centre, distorting the facts, and then summing up in a grandious fashion with a comment that any one will agree with. However sweet you make the end smell, people will realise that it's built on 'fertiliser'. And do you know who use exactly the same techniques Perry? Shame on you!

    Let's see what you've failed to respond to;

    1/ Your deliberate attempt to present a distorted and inaccurate view of the Netherlands that you must have just made up of the top of your head, as none of the 'facts' you used are supported anywhere. You should also include the 'well-documented' human rights abuses you claim have taken place in Holland, or apologise for having lied about this.

    2/ Your continual use of arguementative strategies, especially strawman, i.e., putting words into my mouth.

    3/ Whether you suffer from a reading disorder, as this would make your lack of comprehension something I could feel sympathy for, rather than assuming you're being manipulative.

    4/ If, as you asserted, that liberal countries like the Netherlands are so permissive, and that this is bad, why the less liberal, less permissive USA has more severe social problems?

    5/ Whether or not you believe Christians are more right or better than other religions.

    6/ Whether it is bad to mix religion with politics; for example, Bush is anti-choice as regards Abortion. Fine, he doesn't have to have one. But to let this effect his policy making, when those policies will effect the freedoms of people who are American as he, but who have a different opinion, is wrong. Therefore his religious beliefs should NOT influence his political actions. You avoided responding to this point last time.

    7/ Whether you define evil as;

    'to train and supply despots and terrorists, and then, when they bite the hand that feeds them, expect the world to help sorting out the problem they caused by training and supplying such characters'

    Or as;

    'kills peaceful unarmed civilians'.

    8/ While you are at it, please explain what you mean by 'are taught the proper role of the state and religion'. It cracked me up.

    9/ Could you tell us what 'cognitive dissonance' is?

    Regarding your conversation with Xander about Native Americans... the American Indians only developed any response to the Divine Mandate that was used to make their treatment as animals okay towards the very end of the Indian Wars. Look up Ghost Dance. From memory, I think they just expected the White Man to be swept away by the Great Spirit, not that they would have the divine mandate from the Great Spirit to do the sweeping away. Big difference. The basic attitude was not that they had a right to drive the White Man away from his lands, but that the White Man had no right to drive them away from their lands. I think you missed Xanders point, found two quotes that refer to a prayer for luck in battle (like some Christians do), and thought this countered the point about the Divine Mandate, when in fact it doesn't, as the Indians had no opposite doctrine.

    edited for typos

    Edited by - Abaddon on 31 January 2003 7:0:42

  • DanTheMan

    As I've said in other posts, the conservative religious right of this country is a Hoffer "true believer" movement if ever there was.

    Brace yourselves America.

  • Perry


    You don't like people that have faith in god. We all understand that. That is your point. Your phobias are completely unfounded because you have utterly failed to show the connection between the right of any country to defend itself and a person's personal belief system.

    According to your logic, only countries where the leader is atheist has a right to defend itself. Don't you ever tire of being intollerant of others?

    Edited by - Perry on 31 January 2003 8:46:20

  • Abaddon

    Perry, you don't engage in the debate, you lie, you manufacture 'facts' to 'support' your 'arguement', you fail to respond to questions. There were nine I enumerated above, plus others. Either you can't answer them, or you won't answer them as they would reveal more unsavoury aspects about you (more!), or maybe, maybe you're having your nails done????

    You don't even defend yourself when you are accused of deliberately using false information and lying, because you CAN'T defend yourself; they are facts proven in the thread above. In absence of you contending these statements of mine, I must assume that you accept that you do lie and distort things. Great moral superiority you have there. No wonder religion gets such a bad name with people like you as poster boys. Good thing I know you are not representative of people of faith.

    You don't like people that have faith in god.

    Again, you lie. I like lots of people with faith. You're a lying, deceitful man. I don't like people like that, regardless of whether they believe in god or not.

    Your phobias are completely unfounded because you have utterly failed to show the connection between the right of any country to defend itself and a person's personal belief system.

    Again, you lie. I made no attempt to make any such connection. Some Christian, or will you now show me from the Bible that it is okay to lie and distort?

    According to your logic, only countries where the leader is atheist has a right to defend itself.

    Incorrect, so either deliberate deceit or blatent stupidity. I'd rather you were stupid, but I am afraid you're just a liar.

    That is not an insult.

    It's a fact.

    Prove that you have not distorted facts and lied about my opinions Perry, I dare you.

    You can't claim ignorance of those opinions, as you've on several occasions made statements regaring my opinion directly contradiciting statements I made earlier in the thread. And if you didn't PERSONALLY manufacture the 'facts' about Holland, please give references to where you got the information. I know giving credit for quotations is a little difficult sometimes.

    Until you address the issue of your honesty, until you answer questions (look up the word debate sometimes), don't expect to be taken seriously.

    But, hell, stick around. With the state the world is in, we need the comic relief you provide. Here's a new signature for you;

  • funkyderek

    Oh my name it is nothin'
    My age it means less
    The country I come from
    Is called the Midwest
    I's taught and brought up there
    The laws to abide
    And that land that I live in
    Has God on its side.

    Oh the history books tell it
    They tell it so well
    The cavalries charged
    The Indians fell
    The cavalries charged
    The Indians died
    Oh the country was young
    With God on its side.

    Oh the Spanish-American
    War had its day
    And the Civil War too
    Was soon laid away
    And the names of the heroes
    I's made to memorize
    With guns in their hands
    And God on their side.

    Oh the First World War, boys
    It closed out its fate
    The reason for fighting
    I never got straight
    But I learned to accept it
    Accept it with pride
    For you don't count the dead
    When God's on your side.

    When the Second World War
    Came to an end
    We forgave the Germans
    And we were friends
    Though they murdered six million
    In the ovens they fried
    The Germans now too
    Have God on their side.

    I've learned to hate Russians
    All through my whole life
    If another war starts
    It's them we must fight
    To hate them and fear them
    To run and to hide
    And accept it all bravely
    With God on my side.

    But now we got weapons
    Of the chemical dust
    If fire them we're forced to
    Then fire them we must
    One push of the button
    And a shot the world wide
    And you never ask questions
    When God's on your side.

    In a many dark hour
    I've been thinkin' about this
    That Jesus Christ
    Was betrayed by a kiss
    But I can't think for you
    You'll have to decide
    Whether Judas Iscariot
    Had God on his side.

    So now as I'm leavin'
    I'm weary as Hell
    The confusion I'm feelin'
    Ain't no tongue can tell
    The words fill my head
    And fall to the floor
    If God's on our side
    He'll stop the next war.

    - Bob Dylan, With God On Our Side

  • Abaddon

    Hi Funkyderek - perfect song, thank you.

  • Perry

    But what do you think?

    1/ Do members of the Bush administration feel that their campaign against the axis of (we)evil is backed by God?

    2/ How does this make them different from other peope who believe their campaigns are backed by God?

    Thousands of my countrymen were viciously and savagely executed along with the tallest structure in this part of the world. We sat here and watched hundreds of people jump to their deaths spattering themselves on the concrete below. Innocent people were incinerated and burned to a crisp from thousands of gallons of jet fuel. And then a few minutes latter, it happened all over again. People sat in their seats in airplanes all the while knowing they were about die when another plane smashed the Pentagon.

    Thousands of children are without fathers mothers, aunts, uncles. Thousands of parents are without children. We held each other in horror as we watched the most vicious unprovoked attack that the world has ever seen. Many people who survived will never, never be the same. Then we watch ignorant people cheering over the attrocities committed against our nation.

    These people who did this unprovoked act of horror to my country and my fellow citizens are complete wackos who believe that God wants them embark on a campaign of slaughter against people in Western Countries; much like the notorious athiest Stalin probably figured that since survival of the fittest was the rule of law, and since he was the fittest, he could simply slaughter millions of innocent men women and children.

    Then after suffering all this you write insensitive shit like: How does this make them (US leadership) different from other people who believe their campaigns are backed by God?

    If your country and its citizens were slaughtered by the thousands at the hand of an atheist madman, and then your government embarked on a retalitory response only to be questioned by fundamentalist idiots saying: How does this make them (Holland Leadership) d ifferent from other people who don't believe in God?

    You would be livid and I would be right by your side kicking the shit, verbally or otherwise, out of them for being such insensitive, uncaring biggoted assholes.

    You further your asssault on America with statements like: ....lack of foresight or indeed on occasion morality in foreign policy has AGAIN put America in a situation where it has to act,;

    All I ask is that you show some respect for the American people and consideration for the devastation we have endured the past year. We never fucking asked to be the leader of the free world. It was thrust upon us after WWII. Good, bad, right or wrong....that's the way it ended up. As such, I am quite sure we have made some mistakes.

    But, Nobody deserves to be slaughtered!

    I am sitting here trembling as I type - filled with revenge. You and I have had our little intellectual jousts before, I have come to know you a bit. I refuse to believe that you are as insensitive as you come off toward the American people and it's leadership. For you it might have been an intellectual exercise. For me it is twisting the knife in an already deep wound in my country.

    I will be off the board for a while because I feel nothing but murder in my soul for the people responsible for this thing.

  • joannadandy

    Our founding fathers never meant to take God out of our society as if it is a bad word. They did make sure that the US never had an officially sanctioned religion like most other countries at the time did.

    Actually our founding fathers wanted to keep religion out of politics. It didn't work too well tho. It wasn't until the 40's and 50's that this 'In God We Trust" crap, and "One nation Under God" wormed their way into things.

    I have no problem with people having a religious faith. You questioned my experience as a jw tainting my view, but I think a lot of people (religious or not) don't like it when some religious majority takes over and infiltrates a legal system and a system of governement. If you really want to wake up and read what other countries our saying, you really should look into the foriegn press. Most of them are a little taken aback and disturbed by this new arrogant attitude of the wouldn't hurt you to read about your country from another perspective. Sometimes when your on the inside (like in a crappy mind control religion) you can't see the real world clearly. You need outsider help to discern your situation.

    Try not to get so hostile about what Abadon has to say. I think you took his comments as attacking the USA when in fact he is just making an obervation..a well founded one, and I would prefer if you took the time to answer the issues at hand instead of changing the subject all the time.

    I have no problem with differences of opinion but please back up what you are saying.

    Edited by - joannadandy on 31 January 2003 17:34:26

  • Xander

    Wow, perry, well done, you've certainly gone to a lot of trouble to stop with the ad hominem attacks, dodging questions, and actually address some of Abaddon's thoughts.

    Oh, wait, no you didn't.....

    EDIT: Oh, fine, I'll comment:

    It was thrust upon us after WWII

    That's bullshit and you know it. I know it, everyone knows it. We TOOK it after WWII because it suited our leaders' goals. The US was mostly isolationist throughout the Victorian era, and almost missed WWI entirely. THE WORLD WOULD BE A MUCH BETTER PLACE IF WE HAD JUST STAYED OUT OF IT'S WAY.

    We meddled in WWI, and fucked up. Instead of another stalemate - which is how wars in Europe had ended for the past 500 years - Germany was handed an embarassing armistice and that, with the depression, led DIRECTLY to Hitler coming to power.

    The history of America is one of meddling, arrogance, and failure.

    I feel nothing but murder in my soul for the people responsible for this thing.

    Really? A year and a half later? You'd think you could calm down and attack the problem rationally by now. You'd then realize that enemy is AL QAEDA, not Iraq, and be more rational about who we should still be fighting.

    Edited by - Xander on 31 January 2003 17:49:40

  • lv4fer

    I'm a Christian and I wouldn't trust Bush as far as I could throw him. He may say he is a Christian but I don't think he is on any God given mission to save us from the Evil of the world. I have my doubts that any "Christian" would be entertaining thoughts of going to war with another country as a means of maintaining peace-surface reason--real reason; or for the reason of "payback" for blowing up World Trade Centers. That just doesn't seem very Christian to me. Do Americans believe he is, not the ones I talk to or know.

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