Excellent point! Thanks for that lv4fer!!
The USA and the 'Divine Mandate'
by Abaddon 34 Replies latest jw friends
Edited by - XandersEvilTwin on 31 January 2003 20:0:40
LOLOL - thx for that. Completely forgot!
I feel nothing but murder in my soul for the people responsible for this thing.
I would be right by your side kicking the shit, verbally or otherwise, out of them
So, where does Matthew 5:9 fit in here?
Matthew 6:15?
Matthew 26:52? This is a good one, as the situation applies.
"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
Or Matthew 5:38-39?
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' [1] 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Sorry, but at least, according to the bible, being a christian and fighting a war or even wanting to are incompatible.
If you believe christian lore, then jesus and all his disciples ended up dying without resistance to their oppressors.
You're doing such a fine example following in their footsteps, perry...
Bush is a "Christian", and I'm the Cookie Monster!
The Bushes "Shrubs" are charter members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society, as proven through Alexandra Robbins' book.
That's all we need, more Bonesmen running the US. Don't forget that the Bonesmen were established through the Russell bloodline. That explains quite well as it meshes with Charles Taze Russell's Zionist and Masonic leanings. So, you could fairly conclude that there are at least some similarities between the Bush family, the Skull and Bones Society, and the early Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
I don't want to jump into this discussion against Perry, as I've had run-in with him before, and his mind is already made up. He would probably say how high if Bush said "jump". He is a fierce nationalist, and I'll leave that where it's at. I'm afraid I'm with Abaddon on this one.
NESARA Now! http://www.nesara.us
Thousands of my countrymen were viciously and savagely executed along with the tallest structure in this part of the world. We sat here and watched hundreds of people jump to their deaths spattering themselves on the concrete below. Innocent people were incinerated and burned to a crisp from thousands of gallons of jet fuel. And then a few minutes latter, it happened all over again. People sat in their seats in airplanes all the while knowing they were about die when another plane smashed the Pentagon.
Thousands of children are without fathers mothers, aunts, uncles. Thousands of parents are without children. We held each other in horror as we watched the most vicious unprovoked attack that the world has ever seen. Many people who survived will never, never be the same. Then we watch ignorant people cheering over the attrocities committed against our nation.
These people who did this unprovoked act of horror to my country and my fellow citizens are complete wackos who believe that God wants them embark on a campaign of slaughter against people in Western Countries; much like the notorious athiest Stalin probably figured that since survival of the fittest was the rule of law, and since he was the fittest, he could simply slaughter millions of innocent men women and children.
Then after suffering all this you write insensitive shit like: How does this make them (US leadership) different from other people who believe their campaigns are backed by God?
Another speech full of fine sentiments and rhetoric. I don't recall ever having said that 9-11 wasn't a huge human tragedy. However, as 9-11 had nothing to do with Iraq (remember, the US government has been incapable of providing one shred of evidence linking Saddam Hussain to the 9-11 attacks, although he is undoubtedly a nasty man), I don't see what your fine words have to do with a question relating to the American President refering to god's backing on a war against Iraq.
Speech, freedom of. It's something held dear by Americans, but you don't seem to like it if it's something you disagree with Perry. As I said earlier, your objections were regarding what I thought. You provided no factual counter arguement, indeed you fabricated 'evidence' in a misguided attempt to discredit my posiiton.
Motivating principles can be the same Perry, even if the outcome is different. Just as it is unwise for a mad mullah to dictates what god backs and does not back, so it is unwise for a President to dictate what god backs and does not back. Neither can prove what they say.
If your country and its citizens were slaughtered by the thousands at the hand of an atheist madman, and then your government embarked on a retalitory response only to be questioned by fundamentalist idiots saying: How does this make them (Holland Leadership) different from other people who don't believe in God?
You would be livid and I would be right by your side kicking the shit, verbally or otherwise, out of them for being such insensitive, uncaring biggoted assholes.
Okay, say in 1980 atheist terrorists had blown up Amsterdam. And then Holland had launched an attack against Albania, when there was no evidence that Albania had backed those terrorists. That would be wrong Perry. Your comparison is invalid.
You further your asssault on America with statements like: ....lack of foresight or indeed on occasion morality in foreign policy has AGAIN put America in a situation where it has to act,;
That's historical fact. Again you object to what I say, as you cannot counter it as it is established historical fact that the USA not only trained Osama, but backed Saddam. If you want more examples of USA cack-handedness I can give them. I can also give examples of the cack-handedness of the Dutch and the English if you like. I'm not assaulting AMERICA, I'm assulting the ACTIONS. Don't be such a blind nationalist that you do not examine where America is at fault. I'm deeply critical of England's faults too.
All I ask is that you show some respect for the American people and consideration for the devastation we have endured the past year. We never fucking asked to be the leader of the free world. It was thrust upon us after WWII. Good, bad, right or wrong....that's the way it ended up. As such, I am quite sure we have made some mistakes.
But, Nobody deserves to be slaughtered!
Ah, an obsenity! But you're angry... in part, the 'rightous ass-kicking' that the USA and its allies will shorly deliver to Saddam is due to anger. The terrorists that did 9-11 have proved to either be already dead or too elusive for retribution. The people who backed them in Saudi cannot be attacked as they are, er, allies I think you call it. But the anger is there, and even if Iraq aren't involved, they're almost the right colour and America is angry, so that's okay. Pity it is going to result in people being slaughtered, which I agree with you on; nobody deserves to be slaughtered!
I am sitting here trembling as I type - filled with revenge. You and I have had our little intellectual jousts before, I have come to know you a bit. I refuse to believe that you are as insensitive as you come off toward the American people and it's leadership. For you it might have been an intellectual exercise. For me it is twisting the knife in an already deep wound in my country.
I will be off the board for a while because I feel nothing but murder in my soul for the people responsible for this thing.
It's not about twisting a knife in your country - which I have to say I know a LOT more about than you know of the UK or Holland. Just because America was wronged does not mean that America can do no wrong. If the fact American's died means we have to agree with everything America does, right or wrong, then your concept of truth, justice and freedom is something I'd be happy to NOT be involved in.
I do think you need to take stock. You are in your own words, filled with revenge. Realise revenege and justice are two different things. Realise that in a discussion you actually have to deal with the points raised, rather than attacking someone for having different ideas using all sorts of underhand methods. You need to examine if the jingoism you express is actually right, or a habit. America right or wrong? What kind of battle cry is THAT? Does feeling 'nothing but murder in my soul ' sit easily with your belief system?
I wish you well.