The Fifth Estate: Post your comments HERE

by Scully 117 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • hawkaw

    I don't know what is up with that - it may NOT be his house!

    The Fifth Estate actually had him on film going door to door with an untrained lady in Sault Ste. Marie. The problem was the picture was just a little blurry so they did not show it on TV. Instead you had McKeown nail the bastards just before one commercial stating something like "watch what will be coming up to your door" and then those comments by shadow dude, followed by the WTS trying to spin it by saying they go door to door with "trained" people and then Mike Moss comes on up in the Sault Ste. Marie wth McKeown saying ... that is why I am here .... people don't don't know he is going door to door up here.

    It was a huge "optics" win to get this message of abuse out. It is so key.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have my capture up on Kazoo now. Due to bandwidth issues I can only allow a couple of downloads you can try to get it with a search for






    But I will be leaving for work in a bit so get it while you can

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Reporter Did you remember to put the files in the folder that kazaa is pointing to for us to search in. I'm sure you did but I know I almost forgot that piece

  • hawkaw

    reporter .... where are you from and what is your background????


  • reporter

    Hi hawkaw you would have known me as I was formerly "sunscapes"...we've chatted before!

    BTW, all you others, I re-installed the latest version of Kazaa, and the files show that they are being shared...try again today!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    reporter my kazaa still can't find the files

  • starfish422

    Reporter - you rock! Thanks for the BJ song and for all the hard work.

    I will download the high-bandwidth version from Kazaa tonight and put it into my shared so that more people will be sharing it.

  • ignored_one


    I've found you using Kazza Lite but I can't connect to you atm. Maybe later.

    Ignored One.

  • Flip

    Neyank, punch the link you should find the originating program information there. Don't forget to email the producers, pro or con.

  • Simon

    As soon as I get home, I'll try and get hold of the file and put it on the streaming media section for people to watch.

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