There are posters that are naturally disruptive and attacking in their behaviour, and after a while their departure is greeted with relief by most folk here. We've all had experience of people like that.
My biggest concern is for the poster who is simply amazingly volatile, yet is actually a big-hearted person beneath all of the bravado. I think of them as "garbage mouths", because they just can not contain themselves, especially when they have had a few drinks or the adrenaline is running on high.
Maybe it would be a good idea, if, rather than actually barring someone, they were to receive a compulsory "time-out" period, say of 7days or so. Then, for one example, if 2 or more posters were flaming each another, they would all just be suspended for a 7 day period. There wouldn't necessarily be too much stigma to such a course of action, nor would it be always essential to make an announcement that such a thing had occured. No he saids she saids, just the fact that they are carrying on like that being the problem as opposed to who is right or wrong.
Eventually precedents would be set, and if someone went "shit or bust" and started to be vicious about this site or it's posters, then they would simply stay on compulsory time out all the time that they continued in this course of action. Others who were exceptionally volatile and garbage mouthed may find themselves continually being given this 7 day time out period, yet would still be able to contribute when they were being acceptable in their behaviour.
If we handled problems this way, there would be no need for apologies to the board or Simon. The 7 day time out would be deemed sufficient, no apologies would be demanded. Also, when mistakes arose as they surely will sometimes, the worst injustice that could happen to a poster would be that he could be suspended for a 7 day period. There would be no right of appeal because the action taken against a disruptive poster would be so minimal.
Just a thought, but it might be a way of dealing with someone without making them into a life-long enemy.
I really would like some input into this, please, but for all of our sakes let's vow to be civil to one another. This is not the thread to bring up old wounds please, but an attempt to help us all to move forwards.
Maybe I'll be given the first 7 days for suggesting this!