What if we lose the war with Iraq? I watch the news and all commentators act as if our winning is a given. Yes, we are the biggest, baddest nation; we have the nukes, but what if?
The south sure thought it was going to win the War Between the States. Afterall, it had England on its side. Or it did until England backed out. What if our allies not only back out but also turn against us?
Do you think it is possible that this conflict that Bush says will only last weeks instead of months could actually turn into a full blown war not only with Iraq but also with some of our former allies? Germany and France are particulary upset with us right now.
Before some of you start hollering at me about what a bad ass the USA is, think about it. I would like logical posts to this thread. Not alot of name calling and emotional outpouring from guys with too much testosterone.