What if the US loses?

by Robdar 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    As an outsider (ie a non-American) I find it interesting to read the responses to this whole subject of the war Bush is pushing onto Iraq by Americans. I think that when the USA goes to war with Iraq, it may realise just how strong the Muslim world is when it bands together.

    Do you think it is possible that this conflict that Bush says will only last weeks instead of months could actually turn into a full blown war not only with Iraq but also with some of our former allies? Germany and France are particulary upset with us right now.

    I doubt France and Germany would actually turn against the USA. It just wouldn't make sense, economically, as well as politically.

    Germany in WWII was a much more formidable foe, but luckily for the Allies, it was run by a a dictator who had no idea about things military. Iraq is the same...

    I think so too.

    Even though they see Saddam as a fanatic, they also see Bush as just as much a fanatic.

    Bush is a fanatic. All this propaganda against Hussein, about how he has weapons that he might use against the USA??? ooooh aaahhhhhhh

    "who made America the boss?"

    Inquiring minds would like to know. It's due to the attitude that America has, that it's got the right to do anything it likes, and that it's got the right to force countries what it wants them to do, that has led America into the predictament that it's in. Why hasn't Bush learnt the lesson of Sept 11?

    Whether or not the US has the support of other countries really doesn't matter. It makes things easier, sure, but ultimately the US will do what it needs to do.

    Please see my last sentence.

    According to the media, Iraq's army is a fraction of what it was during the Gulf War. Saddam's military is poorly trained and they are using outdated machinery and weapons. The aircraft he is using is so old, they can't even get replacement parts. A few weeks ago Saddam recruited many young boys to fight in his army and didn't even train them. All they know how to use is a gun.

    (emphasis mine) More propaganda. Hussein's probably saying the same thing about you guys.

    How will extrmeists respond? Will this action by the gov, deter terrorism or simply add fuel to the fire.

    Deter terrorism? Do apsotates hanging outside the assemblies deter the WTS?

    What will be our long-term goals in Iraq? Can we afford to keep a significant military presence there? How will this afect the governments seeming inattention to domestic issues, like the states currently being either broke or forcasting huge deficits?

    Meanwhile children are being educated in run-down schools, and hospital staff are working double shifts and lack hospital beds due to lack of public funding.

    Bush will use every weapon he's got before he surrenders to those assholes.

    So will Hussein.

    But... ah, yes... no matter... he LOOKS like he MIGHT do something... and apparently, for some, that's enough.

    In Bush's mind, that's enough reason to have a war. Hussein might attack us. And just to make sure, we'll declare war on him so then he'll be forced to use his weapons. Yeah, that makes sense, doesn't it?

    The arrogance of the US never ceases to amaze me: "WE" can have as large an army and as great an arsenal as "WE" choose. But, let no others have even a fraction.

    My point exactly.

    Like it or not, the WTC debacle was the result of US "doings" all over the world for some time.


    and as far as the rest of the world, when they have two large buildings and planeloads of innocent people murdered by fanatics then they have a place to talk (IMO).

    The WTC disaster affected ppl from over 60 different countries, so yes, the world does have a place to talk.

    How about 100 of my fellow countrymen & women (Australians) being killed in Bali last October by a bomb that was designed to kill Americans? Australia has been personally affected by Al Queda too.

    Bush is an arrogant dictator who IMO is no better than Hussein. I'm sorry if innocent Americans get killed in the upcoming war, but direct your anger towards Bush, since he's the one who declared war in the first place.


    If the U.S loses? ....Women will be treated like cattle or worse.The US will have plenty of oil and be driving camels.WBTS and all other cults will be terminated,and the US will have to pray to meca 5 times a day.Personal freedom will be a thing of the past..It will be WBTS go`s Arab,LOL!.Only this time they`ll have guns and rule the courts....The U.S better not F$#k`in lose..I don`t want any wacked out neighbours...OUTLAW

  • reporter

    What about the extremist-type Muslims? Propaganda pulls both ways, and the way they're tough-talking is playing into Bush's hands right now. Isn't America supposed to be the "Great Satan"? Extremist fundamentalist talk by certain Muslims is not helping, either.

  • xenawarrior
    Why hasn't Bush learnt the lesson of Sept 11?

    Prisca- what was this lesson Bush is supposed to have learned?

    According to the media, Iraq's army is a fraction of what it was during the Gulf War. Saddam's military is poorly trained and they are using outdated machinery and weapons. The aircraft he is using is so old, they can't even get replacement parts. A few weeks ago Saddam recruited many young boys to fight in his army and didn't even train them. All they know how to use is a gun.

    (emphasis mine) More propaganda. Hussein's probably saying the same thing about you guys.

    Are you serious?


  • D8TA
    Women will be treated like cattle or worse.

    Is this before, or after the U.S. disbands: Strip clubs, beauty contests, beer commercials with women fighting each other and ripping clothes off, MTV video stars baring all, Anna Nicole Smith, and the general commercialism as to treating women as objects? Hmm...Interesting.

  • Aztec

    AGuest, that was a beautiful post and I completely agree. This whole thing is very MInority Reportish.

    Rob, if we attack Iraq we will win. In the short run only though. In the long run we will lose.



    Hey D8TA,women in North America have a choice as to what they want to do..In Arab countries a woman making the wrong choice will get a bullet in the head,in a local football stadium,at half time..I prefer North American football half time shows,the women are still alive at the end of them...OUTLAW

  • JeffT

    Where to start? Where is Yerusalem when I need him?

    If you want to know why we have to go into Iraq, look at our problems with N. Korea. Several of you have made the point that NK is more dangerous. You're right it is more dangerous. And because of that we have to tread lightly in our relationship with them. left alone, in a few years Iraq will look like N Korea: a sinkhole that can't keep the lights on, and can't feed its own people, but HEY we've got the bomb.

    If, in 1936 when Hitler violated his treaty obligations the League of Nations had done its job, the war to remove him would be known only to history nuts like me. Please note that it was the French that were most opposed to doing anything because they didn't want to start another World War. At that time the French had more troops, guns, planes, tanks and ships than Germany. (In fact that was still true when they lost the war in 1940). They could have driven to Berlin by simply running over any policeman foolish enough to try to stop them.

    I'm not "for" war. But I think that a little one now is better than a big one later.

  • JH

    I think that there will be more casualties in this war than in 1991. OK, Iraq can't shoot down aircrafts that fly too high, but they can kill soldiers on the ground.

    Just look at Afghanistan. How many soldiers died there since 1 year? Many more will die in Iraq even if we are way superior to the Iraqies.

    The war will be short. I say 2 months long if everything goes well.

  • D8TA

    Ah I get it, it's the "choice" of treating women like cattle in the U.S. that is better then Arab countries. I follow ya. As to the International Soccor stadium in Afghanistan, yes it was a tragedy.

    I Guess "western" civilization and enlightment as to social structures should be imposed on ancient cultures and traditions, what was I thinking? I get it again, since they don't believe in what the U.S. does, this aids to justification as to using warfare on them.

    Of course this is what it's all about, human rights, isn't it? Well Skippy, where is the U.S. when it comes to African nations? India? China? South America? Time to start rolling heads on them too?

    I see a lot of people trying to "find and justify" a cause for war, when they don't have one. If you attack their culture, no matter how cruel in your eyes it may seem, they have equal footing to attack yours for the same reason.

    You can't force social change with bombs and bullets.

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