What if the US loses?

by Robdar 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront
    You want anthrax released over Australia or Europe?? How many millions of your people need to die before you say "Oh gee, maybe someone should have stopped this guy before it got this far."

    I sure as hell don't wish that stuff upon any country, but I think an effort should be made to get rid of these weapons and Sadaam without blowing the whole country up. There are innocent people in Iraq...of course you realize that. It's worth a shot at least IMO.

  • Preston

    We can't use the Gulf War as an example here because Iraq has changed siginificantly with referece to their WMD. If Colin Powell is right, and that a small vial of anthrax could wipe out the entire UN council, then the war will last longer than expected. Almost all of you guys are forgetting that Saddam could release his biological weapons on our troops. "How", do you say? Very easily: He shoots a missile filled with anthrax or boutlism at our ground or air forces, we terminate before it reaches us, but at that point it's already released a deadly virus able to wipe out our troops, or his own people depending on our location. About 10 years ago there lived a group of people in Iraq called the Marsh Arabs. They lived somewhat peacefully in their own area, and their history was traced to the sumerians for over 6,000 years. Over a 6 month period of time in 1996, Saddam dropped napalm and all sorts of biological weapons on their land. A 1/3 of the marsh arabs went into exile, the rest were sent up to death camps to the north. Now their legacy in Iraq amounts to a bunch of skulls lying in some death camp in Northen Iraq, and as for the marsh lands, they don't exist anymore, because the area has been transformed to a desert in a U.N. report describing Saddam's venture as one of the worst environmental disaters in ages.

    You don't need a UNSCOM to prove that Saddam has killed about 1 million of his own people. SO in reference to your question, I think we will win, but don't think we're going to be there for a short time. As long as Bush keeps junior safe and doesn't screw up the economy too badily, he will be our president for the next 6 years. But if we start bringing home body bags then expect this thing to go over like a lead balloon.

  • Farkel

    The United Nations is no longer relevant to the US, and we should dump them. The fanatical Arabs have ALWAYS hated the US and they will hate us and plot our destruction whether we go to Iraq or not.

    You don't negotiate or try to appease crazy people.

    I'm disgusted that Prisca would preach to us about the "lesson" we should have learned about three thousand people who were attacked and slaughtered by foreign terrorists on our own soil.

    Would you be singing that same tune if three thousand Australians were slaughtered in one of your major cities by Aborigines who hated white Australians who "poked" their noses into Australia and stole the land from its original inhabitants, Prisca? I don't think so.

    Oprah and CNN are bleeding-heart liberals, folks. They are totally biased and rarely present in a fair manner any views opposite to theirs. For balance, try the Fox Network.

    Finally, no one has answered this most important question: if we let Sadaam continue with his weapons of mass destruction programs and long range delivery systems in years to come, do you think he's going to put them on nice shelves and do nothing but just look at them and admire them for the rest of his life?

    If he had gotten away with his invasion of Kuwait, do you think he would just been satisfied with that? Was Hitler satisfied with only Austria? Was Mussolini only satisfied with Ethiopia?

    Do you think this murderous savage barbarian who massacres his own people has sovereign "rights" that are more important than the safety of Iraqi citizens and other nations, including the US?

    The US has our own idiotic counterpart to Britain's Neville Chamberlain. It was old Joe Kennedy, who was ambassador to Great Britain after he made his forture as a criminal smuggler. He said we should let Hitler do whatever he wanted in Europe. His idiot son Ted Kennedy is a lot like him, but even HE has capitulated and now states we should get the job done in Iraq.


  • D8TA
    The United Nations is no longer relevant to the US, and we should dump them.

    Yep, spoken like the "true arrogant American"....if the whole world thinks we are wrong (*gasp*), we just dump the whole world.

    Here have some humble pie Farkel, read the second post I made:


    Now, after reading it...try crying your tears somwhere else, because a bunch of arrogance and ignorance may fly in your world...but not in the "real world".

    I'll tell you what will happen: Saddam will not use any nuclear arsenal upon U.S. soil, but the U.S. will use nuclear arsenal and conventional weapons on Iraqi soil.

  • Farkel


    : I'll tell you what will happen: Saddam will not use any nuclear arsenal upon U.S. soil, but the U.S. will use nuclear arsenal and conventional weapons on Iraqi soil.

    Yeah, right. Just like he wouldn't use bio-terror weapons on hundreds of thousands Kurds, huh?

    We've used nuclear weapons on other nations TWICE in nearly sixty years. Both of those weapons were used on Japan and that ended WWII, and saved countless American lives. We've had two wars far larger than the Iraqi war will be since then and didn't use nukes. We had a whole bunch of skirmishes since then too, and didn't use nukes. Your assertion is only valid IF Sadaam launches biological weapons against us. If that were to be the case, our President has not ruled out use of surgical nukes, but ONLY if that were to be the case.

    They said Barry Goldwater would destroy the world with nuclear weapons. They also accussed Ronald Reagan of being a "cowboy." Neither of those men did what you said Bush will do, and frankly, I doubt he would even use nukes if Iraq uses weapons of bio-terror. We have too many other ways to bring Sadaam to that glorious place where he will be greated by 72 virgins.

    I read your comments on that other thread. You're welcome to your opinion. Now why don't you just quietly send a large campaign donation to Nancy Pelosi, maybe even help sponsor her in a run for the Presidency and chill?


    Edited by - Farkel on 9 February 2003 15:9:1

  • back2dafront


    I'm going to boldly go where only one person I've noticed has dared mention - briefly.

    Bush has the potential to be the next Hitler if he wanted to. Seriously think about this.

    Bush stages an attack on american soil just like Hitler did - blames Islamic terrorists.

    Say things escalate to a full out war against Islam.

    Marshall law breaks out in USA because Bush sends everyone of Arab descent in America to a concentration camps.

    Gung-ho Americans who support him will be by his side - just like Hitlers Nazis.

    Those who oppose will face the wrath of the government and be treated just like those of Arab descent. Their citizenship will be stripped and they will be either booted out of the country, killed or sent to the concentration camps.

    Remember, they'd have the right to do this by means of the patriot act and homeland security....

    The middle east gets nuked. An American city gets nuked. Europe, China and Russia team up together to get rid of the Hitler-like regime of Bush.

    World War III starts.

    Crazy propoganda?


    Makes you stop and think though, doesn't it? The American people really need to stop and think long term. They need to honestly weigh all of the pros and cons. They need to get over this left/right/liberal/conservative bullshit and recognize we're treading on extremely thin water right now. This could SERIOUSLY lead to extreme turmoil in the Middle East and not enough Americans realize the dangers of that.

    I say close every single nuclear plant in the world. The technology is not to our betterment. We haven't discovered how to even safely dispose of it, plus the threat of developing weapons from it is just too great.

  • Robdar

    Oprah and CNN are bleeding-heart liberals, folks. They are totally biased and rarely present in a fair manner any views opposite to theirs. For balance, try the Fox Network.

    LMAO. The pot calls the kettle black.


  • Sargon

    Close every Nuclear Plant in the world!! Good idea, good timing. While you're at it why not give away all your rifles and fighter jets?? These too are superfluous technology. Don't worry your northern neighbors will help defend you with our over abundance of speeches and words.

    Let's get real. One of the only things that has prevented a major world war in the 50's and 60's was the nuclear deterrent. Take away America's nuclear capability, you leave her defenceless. How long then do you think it'll be before someone like Saddam or Kadaffi would be goose-stepping down Pennsylvania Ave.??

  • DakotaRed
    Bush has the potential to be the next Hitler if he wanted to.

    DAMN! Now why didn't see this before? Bush Sr. was in office as I studied to be a JW. Yup, all his fault! When I dissasociated and started being shunned, Bush Jr. was in office. You know it, all his damn fault too. Then, since he is still in office, he caused me to divorce the JW wife.

    Maybe if Bush were diddling a Whitehouse Intern he would win your support also?

  • bigboi
    I'm disgusted that Prisca would preach to us about the "lesson" we should have learned about three thousand people who were attacked and slaughtered by foreign terrorists on our own soil.

    What does Sept 11th have to do with the current situation in Iraq? If I remember correctly the nationality of most of those involved in that attack were Saudi Arabian and not Iraqi. Where is the concrete evidence that the regime in control of Iraq had anything to do with Sept 11th? IMO, to invoke the lives of those ppl that day to support an unsubstantiated war against an entire nation of ppl is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in American history.

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