How would one falsify the entire concept of evolution?
Evolution is decent with modification. If you could show that there is no evidence of this in the fossil and DNA evidence, then you have falsified evolution.
On an earlier post you stated that if the earth were proven young, then this would falsify evolution.
Sometimes I speak in shorthand. I meant that the current theory of evolution would be falsified.
Also if it is said that if the Earth were somehow to be "proven" as being young would falsify evolution, then likewise the Earth somehow being "proven" old could be said to falsify strict Biblical creation, thus making it a falsible theory!
Exactly. There are certain creation theories that are falsifiable. A strict literal interpretation of the biblical creation account is most certainly falsifiable. This does not, however, falsify the concept of god. The problem is that creationists change the biblical account or interpret it in such a fashion that it is no longer falsifiable. They must do this because the creation account as stated in the bible has been falsified by modern data. Theories that cannot be falsified (and these go beyond a literal interpretation of the bible) are theories in which god actually created a young earth, but made it look like it is old. There are many such creation theories out there.
Also if fossil evidence could be said to be a falsification test for evolution, then likewise it could also be said to be just as much a falsification test for creation.
Yes. Fossil evidence has falsified some specific creation theories, including a strict literal interpretation of the creation account in the bible. Most creation theories that are argued, however, are not falsifiable.
While creationists use the evidence for "no transitional fossils being found" to attempt to falsify evolution, Evolutionists use evidence "for transitional fossils being found" as an attempt to falsify creation !
There's no getting around the fact that transitional fossils have been found. The existence of transitional fossils do not falsify Creation, though. They only provide evidence for evolution.
Falsify "the entire concept of god" (a proposed mechanism in the creation concept) is not the issue. The issue is the falsibility of the concepts of evolution and creation.
Both concepts of evolution and creation have falsifiable and non falsifiable theories. The issue is that no one seems to seriously support any falsifiable theories of creation.
If predictions do not necessarily have to predate the observartions they are predicting and thus the heirarchial structure could be used as evidence for evolution, then likewise the heirarchial structure could also be used as evidence for creation.
Sure, the heirarchical structure of life could be used to strengthen certain theories of creation, but you'd have to explain how and why a non-heirarchical structure would falsify or at least weaken the theory.
After thinking about it, it seems to me that most of the things that I can think of as being under the "Others" category are actually Evolution/Creation hybrids, such as rems earlier point about humans and chimpanzees:
You are probably right. Maybe one option is that everything is uncaused - such as Last Tuesdayism... though this is yet another non-falsifiable theory.
I'm off to the Irish pubs! Take care.