The abuse of JW org

by wozza 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wozza

    Awhile ago I said on here I would like to show how wrong the Jehovahs Witness organisation is , in that they will not accept the testimony of a victim of sexual crime where the victim has no other witnesses to the crime. I faced this with helping my ex wife for about 15 years in exposing her father , an elder, to the JW org. his raping of her over years and they believed him.

    So therefore the perpetrator knowing of the organisations stance can easily deny and therefore be free to pretend to serve as an innocent JW still mixing with the congregation ,and also I have witnessed an accused perpetrator of child molestation witnessing at my next door neighbors house in field service with a child of another family even though the elders knew of the accusations against him. (this person was taken to court later by members of his family for molesting children in the family ,he was put in prison by their evidence but the JW elders chose not to act on the evidence for these crimes ,disgusting )

    So what does the JW org believe is a good enough reason to not report to the police historic sexual crime to the authorities? Or even act upon the crimes within it’s own ranks?

    Simply put they quote the bible ,as at 2 Corinthians ch:13 vs:1

    “This is the third time I am coming to you. “On the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter must be established””

    Upon reading the context could this text be so broadly interpreted as to include sexual crime ? Judge for yourself , but if the JW org is correct then , they are inconsistent to the extreme with what is written earlier in the bible! I know this has been covered before but daily there are JW’s questioning their faith and I would like show how corrupt the JW org is and how cruel they are and have been in the past with their own people.

    Ok so now what’s the evidence against JW cruelty?

    Deuteronomy Ch:22 vs:22 – 29 Notice in vs 23-24 a virgin is engaged to a man but another man comes along and they have sex and are brought to the gate of the city for judging ,he is stoned to death and so is she .Why is she not spared? The scripture says she did not SCREAM so it gives the impression that she was compliant as well.

    But next in vs: 25 – 27 Changes the location to a field where an engaged virgin is working and the man overpowers her and rapes her. Now it says the girl IS to be saved ,why? It says she committed no crime because it’s like one man attacking another man and murdering him.

    Vs:27 gives the answer she was spared “For he happened to meet her in the field, and the engaged girl SCREAMED,but there was NO ONE to protect her.” So the man was put to death on her evidence and say so, her father would have had to show the evidence of her virginity from what I read .

    If I can work this out why can’t the JW org feel they have to ignore this ,in matters like this they quote 2 Corinthians CH13 vs1 .By ignoring this they reveal themselves to be incompetent liars ,or ,

    they are trying to hide the evidence that the bible is contradictory.Which is it?

    There has been untold damage done by the JW org keeping to their false “truths”, the governing body have proven to be gutless in handling these affairs and they use the bible to hide what the bible says, if judicial systems can try to solve these crimes why can’t these men who are supposed to be lead by god?

    I hope this helps someone.

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    thought I would post this video by Sven here:

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I, for one, agree with the JW's position of requiring more than one witness to convict someone of a crime. However, I also consider physical evidence, such as videos and DNA testing, to be acceptable forms of witness. I'm not sure the JW agree with this.

    As for Deuteronomy 22:25-27, it is part of the Mosaic law, which was superseded by Christian teachings in 2 Corinthians 13:1. In my opinion, the latter is superior in this instance. If you respect the Mosaic law so much, then you would agree with the idea of marrying a rape victim to her rapist, as stated in Deuteronomy 22:28-29.

  • Vidiot

    The fact that the two-witness rule was weaponized so heavily by Ted Jaracz specifically to make it as difficult as possible to expose the problem (and therefore conceal his own alleged offenses) pretty much invalidates it as a tool for justice at this point, anyway.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    This 2 witnesses rule is what compounded the problem.

    This crisis is a byproduct of some of their own archaic principles.

    I feel they have dug themselves into a massive hole,, or painted themselves into a corner. Which its impossible to get out of. Like:

    1) the two witnesses rule

    2) the blood policy

    3) the shunning policy.

    They cant remove anyone of these. Its like having a tiger by the tail.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I noticed that two people downvoted my comments. Could you explain why?

    I mentioned that I agree with the "two or more witnesses" rule and emphasized that physical evidence should also count as a second witness. Considering that, since recent years, JWs also accept witnesses to seperate events, I really don't see the problem with my position.

    Are you suggesting that, for example, if a stepdaughter accuses her stepfather falsely, you would automatically believe her without requiring corroborative evidence or a second witness?

    This kind of blind belief is exactly why innocent people sometimes end up spending decades in jail!

  • Vidiot

    The reason for the downvotes is, like I said before, the deliberate weaponization of the rule.

    That weaponization has done so much fucking harm that oftentimes the mere mention of the rule triggers anger and anxiety, let alone any perceived defense of it.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Stephane: The elders aren't capable, either physically, legally or competently to collect the necessary evidence. You can often collect sufficient evidence from a single witness testimony to convict in criminal court (beyond a reasonable doubt), the problem is that they do not give the opportunity to victims, parents and others for a competent investigator to do this. Do you really want two window washers to handle your DNA evidence or do a rape kit? If you think it is traumatic now dealing with a JC, imagine the elders swabbing some young girl for evidence.

  • Biahi

    Anonymous, you are correct, that incompetent, untrained elders have no business swabbing young girls. However, the logical next step is to report to authorities to take said child to the hospital for the DNA testing. But, they DO NOT WANT THE AUTHORITIES INVOLVED. And not calling the authorities is what is most important to the Borg. They don’t care about children, or their feelings. At all.

  • TonusOH

    Elders also have no business performing what amounts to a criminal inquiry, either. They should alert the police and let them investigate, then base their actions on what that investigation reveals. If they need to interview the involved parties, they can do so afterwards. If they truly are concerned with protecting victims (and potential victims), they should allow the legal process to do its work, and then follow up with their 'spiritual' investigation.

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