Do u feel u missed out being a JW Teen?

by Shytears 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackTwisted

    well, my mom isn't a JW (but she's studying to become one at the moment) ever since i was..hmm..about 5 or 6 years old, so we've been off and on about it.

    anyways, i don't have much restrctions, i can hang out with my buds, no matter what relegion they are..okay, except for satanists, but i hav enever met one so no problem there. and music, my mom never pays too much attention because i have my mp3 so she doesn't go through it, i have my own privacy, which i plan it to keep it that way. my mom is somewhat strict on Television. i can watch most stuff like reality shows, but i can't watch anything demonized like medium, stuff like that.As far with video games, my mom will only let me play E-T or sometimes T+. i can play rated M games...when i'm at someone else's house xD which isn't often so i have no problem with it. and movies, she lets me slide on it sometimes. not always. so my life is going pretty good.

    now with mom isn't too keen with it, i dont think she minds me dating, just the idea of pregnancy nowadays, so i'm okay with that...okay, not really..well no, im okay with it, considering i am home-schooled.

    so i don't have many restrctions but i know as soon as my mom gets back on track and work on somethings...i know there will be restrctions, but i'm only 15, and the process is kind of going slow, so i might be an adult when she gets it al lsorted out xD

    however, i still have things to work on, like not to masturbate, music, etc. to become a JW

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