The following information is a direct quote taken from The "Report" Volume I pages 94-100 made back in 1994.
("The Report" written & copyrighted 1994.)
-------------quote from "The Report" Volume I on the coming "Great War" of Daniel 10:1 & Rev. 6:4---------------
But you may be wondering at this time, what is the true meaning of the ride of the "fiery-colored" horse? Let's notice what the Watch Tower Society says in the publication Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand! about this "fiery-colored horse" and it's meaning for us today:
"...But now the rider of the red horse is given `a great sword.' What does this imply? With the eruption of World War I, human warfare becomes more sanguinary, more destructive than ever before. During the 1914-1918 bloodbath, tanks, poison, gas airplanes, submarines, huge cannons, and automatic weapons were used either for the first time or on an unprecendented scale...Even with the end of the war, there was no return to real peace on earth...Then, with his thirst for blood whetted, the rider of the red horse plunged into World War II. Instruments of slaughter became ever more fiendish, and casualties sky-rocketed to four times those of World War II...It is reliably reported that at least 19 million souls have fallen under the `great sword' since World War II." — pg. 94 ¶ 16, 17.
And so we can see that the Watch Tower Society teaches that the "fiery-colored" horse pictures a destructive war-era since the year of 1914, and has continued right up till our day. However, is this the case? In other words, does the ride of this horse really picture a particularly destructive war-era as the Society insists, since that fateful year of 1914? Or, could it picture something very different? Let's examine these verses for ourselves.
We read at Revelation 6:4:
"And another came forth, a fiery-colored horse; and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another and a great sword was given him."
Now we ask the question: is a particular "war-era" (since 1914) being discussed here? Or is a particularly bloody "War" being discussed? Which??? Well, the foregoing words, we believe, actually point forward to a major, cataclysmic event for our day and time. No, it is not a series of events, such as a destructive war era that started in the year of 1914 (World War I) and subsequently continued down to the present. No, but it pictures a specific event in human history. It pictures the foretold great battle shortly to unfold between the "King of the North" and the "King of the South." And, the "pushing" between these two opposing political factions is just about to start, as the Bible says, "in the time of the end." — Daniel 11:40
Jehovah's Witnesses have long been taught, by the Watch Tower Society, that the political nations of our world are shortly, in the near future, to issue the cry of "Peace and Security." This great proclamation and announcement will, according to the Watch Tower Society, lead immediately to the destruction of false religion ("Babylon the Great") and thereafter God's final War of "Har-mageddon." (See Nov. 15, 1981 Watchtower pgs. 14, 15)
However, is this what the Bible teaches as the immediate future for God's Name people today? In order to arrive at the correct understanding, we must go back to the events spoken of in the Bible at Daniel the eleventh (11th) chapter. We must closely examine what we have been taught, since it can be scripturally proven that these teachings are obviously in error.
First of all we notice, the "pushing" between both "kings" cannot be said to be a "cold war" of sorts that continues over a long period of time. (See July 15, 1981 Watchtower pgs. 6, 7) No, but this foretold "pushing" leads directly to a confrontation, yes one of major proportions that leaves many, many people dead! In other words, it leads to WAR — the same war spoken of at Rev. 6:4 in which the aftermath results in famine, disease or pestilence and great lost of life. These events are also the same ones spoken of at Matthew 24:7,8, Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:10,11. Let's notice how this point is brought out at Daniel 11:40 where it states:
"And in the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through."
Now after reading this verse of the Bible, does this sound like a long, drawn out "cold war?" Certainly not!
The scriptures are very clear, very emphatic to show that the "King of the North" will move swiftly to overrun the enemy! Yes, he will "storm," and "flood over and pass through" with "many horsemen," "chariots," and "ships." Clearly, this is WAR, and one that is on a magnitude that is unprecedented! And what will be the immediate resulting effects of this
same said "war" upon God's Name people and the world at large? Let's notice the following information.
We see from a careful examination of these verses, that a Victor does emerge from this particular battle. This is in stark contrast to what has been previously stated by the Watch Tower Society on the actual outcome of the same battle. Let's notice this comment:
"Whatever the extent of the "pushing" by the "king of the south" may be, and whether the "king of the north" literally `floods over' by invading other lands, or not, one thing is certain: According to Daniel's prophecy, neither "king" will achieve a decisive victory over the other." — See July 15, 1981 Watchtower pg. 7 ¶ 3.
Is that what you believe? But think — does not the verse itself insure the actual outcome of the battle? Yes, does it not show that indeed the mysterious "king of the North" will emerge victorious over the "king of the South?"
But you may be saying: "So what...if the leaders of this organization are wrong, it still doesn't affect me."
Oh, but how wrong you are! Yes, it will affect Jehovah's Witnesses in the most profound way! How do we know? Let's examine the very next verse:
"He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will
escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon." — Daniel 11:41
The "land of Decoration" has many times been applied to God's people, Jehovah's Witnesses, in the Watch Tower Society's publications. But did you notice what the scripture says will happen to God's people, as a direct result of this War? Yes, He [King of North] will "enter into the Land of the Decoration." Yes, he will attack God's people! But, will this attack result in Jehovah's protection of His Name people?
Well, the scripture says:
"and there will be many [lands] made to stumble."
But, Jehovah's Witnesses, stop and ask yourself for a moment:
What do "many lands" have to do with this one land, the "land of Decoration?"
Actually, nothing! The "king of the north" cannot pass through the "land of Decoration" and stumble or affect "many lands." The verse simply says that he is passing through one land, the "land of Decoration." Think about it. Obviously, there is more going on here than "meets the eye" at first glance. Let's look a little closer.
If we look carefully at the verse, we will notice that the word "lands" has been placed in the Bible by the translators. That is why the word "lands" appears in brackets in the New World Translation. It is an inserted word intended to change the thought from the obvious. Think about it. However, if you check, you will notice that other translations do not show any such word as "lands" in this verse. For example, the Interlinear Bible - Hebrew Greek English Translation for instance, says:
"He shall also enter into the glorious land, and many shall be stumbled..."
Yes, "many shall be stumbled" from the "Glorious Land" or the "Land of Decoration," — Jehovah's Witnesses, God's Name people. Yes, many of Jehovah's Witnesses will be severely persecuted, and subsequently "stumbled." This unforeseen, intense period of persecution or "trampling" of Jehovah's Name people is what the Bible calls the "Gentile Times." This situation of being overrun by the political governments, will prove to be necessary "discipline" from Jehovah because of "transgression" committed by God's people. — Luke 21:24; Rev. 13:3-10; Daniel 8:12.
But who is he, that is the "king of the North?" Well, suffice it to say for the time being, that he is one and the same with the one spoken of as the mysterious "small horn" that comes up among "ten horns" upon the fourth (4th) beast's head, and thus takes the lead in persecuting Jehovah's people. (Daniel 7:7,8 & 19-26) He is also the enemy of the "King of the South." But wait, hasn't it previously been taught that the "small horn" was himself, the "King of the South" — the British-American Dual World Power, yes the leader of the Democratic bloc of nations? (See July 15, 1981 Watchtower pg. ¶ 4 and Sept. 15, 1982 Watchtower pg. 15 ¶ 15) However, that explanation is quite impossible. Why???
Let's notice what Daniel 8:9 pointedly says:
"And out of one of them there came forth another horn, a small one, and it kept getting very much greater toward the SOUTH and toward the sunrising and toward the Decoration."
Did you notice that he gets "greater toward the South," that is, toward the [King of the] "South" ... as well as the [land of] "Decoration." Yes, he is against the [king of the] "South" and God's Name People, Jehovah's Witnesses, the [land of] "Decoration." Therefore the "small horn" could not be against the "South," as the verse says, and at the same time himself be the "king of the South," can he??? That would not make sense. Think about it. — Daniel 8:10, 11
Yes, the Bible does make very clear that the most destructive War of all human history has not occurred yet! No, but instead, this great war or "sword" is shortly to come upon us in our day and time! Yes, the much dreaded and feared World War III! In fact, Daniel himself saw this same War afar off, and the vision of it's carnage, and destruction made him sick for 3 weeks! Imagine that, 3 weeks! But where is that in the Bible?
Let's notice this quote of Daniel 10:1, 2 taken from the New International Version Translation:
"In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was called Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it concerned a GREAT WAR. The understanding of the message came to him in a vision. At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over."
And again, what did Daniel really see that could have such an effect upon him? Daniel saw the greatest war ever fought in all human history! And it's destruction and death toll will be unparalleled! Remember, the Bible book of Daniel calls this war: the war of the "King of the North" and the "King of the South." And this is the same war spoken of at Revelation 6:4. Indeed, such a war will trigger the worst military violence, epidemic of diseases, and death toll in all of human history! Yes, the actual rides of the "fiery-colored, black, and pale horses" with "hades" reaping a fourth (1/4) of the world's population! Think about it. — Rev. 6:2-8
----------end of quote from "The Report" (1994) Volume I pages 94-100------------
Additional information on the prediction of the "Great War" made by MDS & "The Report" can be found at this link: