MDS' Book "The Report" (1994) Predicts Global War Ahead!

by bjc2read 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    take it one step at a time

    its after mid february and im waiting for osama bin laden to suprise us all and emerge as a leader. Well its March tomorrow.

    it could happen in 20 years or 20 weeks, and its all still "after mid february"

    bjc I cant beleive you honestly believe you are on the right path. Christ warned us AGAINST what you are doing, so why are you doing it?

  • SYN
    Do you have to resort to foul language Francois! We like to think most of us are still christians here.

    *cough* Huh?


    SYN? um...could you pass the cough syrup please? Yes, that'll be fine, thank you. for now anyways.

  • gumby

    Do you guys remember the other day when I started a thread called..." What happened to all the bible thumpers"?

    Well Halleluja and amen brothers! BJ heard my call!

  • dmouse

    What does BJ stand for again? Oh yeah.

    Now come on you doom sayers, are we gonna fry in a big war or is a comet the size of Your-anus going to do us all in...make up yer minds.

    I read the bible once, it was boring, but better than Nostradamus, though I wouldn't trust either of 'em to give an accurate view of the future.

    Now 'Old Moore's Almanac'...there's some dudes who really know what's happening.

  • Trauma_Hound

    function doomAndGloomPridictionAgain() {

    if ($predictionDate > $currentDate) {


    } else {



  • TR

    COMF! We need those wacko/psycho pics!


  • logical

    it could be argued that Great War prophecy has already been fulfilled, WW2 wasnt particularly nice now was it, and what happened to the Jews? Even WW1 was horrific on a grand scale never seen before.

    I cannot see how the "Land of Decoration" applies to JW's, who's power and authority comes from Satan, who presumed an incorrect name, "Jehovah's Witnesses", jehovah being incorrect for God's name and they do acknowledge that YAHWEH is more accurate but choose not to use it.... go figure that out.

    JW's have never been true worshippers, and the organisation are more the "disgusting thing" than a "decoration".

    I cannot stop you from spreading false teachings, all I can do is warn people. There is only one road to JAH - through Christ. There is only one teacher - Christ. All others who claim to be either Christ, teachers or the way to JAH are imposters. John 10:7-11, John 14:6

    I dont get why JAH and Christ would change the truth and their minds and excpet us to do the opposite of what they told us to have life, which is precisely what MDS's cult expects of us.

    Do not put your trust in earthling man.

  • hillary_step

    Some people suggest that consciousness and subsequently the birth of belief in a spiritual world was introduced into mans evolutionary development by the eating of certain hallucinogenic plants. The effects from these plants elevated the primitive senses into a different dimension and thus spirit world was born.

    Perhaps we are seeing a similar thing here.


  • hawkaw

    OMG .... I just can't believe people believe in this stuff.

    H_S ... I just about choked on my lunch after I read your post. That was way too funny.


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