Yes, a letter from the heart. I am glad a fine thread like this was resurrected for those who missed it the first time around.
My Letter to the Elders in My Late Father's Congregation
by cruzanheart 106 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Nina, I am so sorry about the way your father was treated by those self-righteous Pharisees! It is so typical of the righteous-by-works class! I had not read your letter before today, so I'm glad it was reactivated.
My heart goes out to you. ((((((((hugs)))))))
I'm sorry to hear of your loss and disgusted at the circumstances you set forth in that well-written letter. Letters to that congregation from others here, expressing concern over this matter, may if nothing else let them know that they are being looked at with contempt over such actions and encourage them to reconsider their conduct in this regard. I'd be happy to send one but won't do it unless you give an ok here.
I wish you the best and a speedy recovery from your grief.
run dont walk
wow !!! I am speechless ............
I left the borg at 20, and like your father, found many friends and love on the outside more then in the borg. Friends I still have today (i'm 35).
my brother once said "You either fit in, or you don't, there's not much you can do about it." , "once you marked, you marked forever." How true this is.
As I have said many times on this forum, too many elders are on a high ego trip, they have never had a position in life, always had to answer to somebody, married the first person that payed attention to them, struggled through life, and then all of a sudden they are in charge and loving it. We all had squares (losers) in our congregation that we said to ourselves "what a loser" and sure enough they became elders. And think they are on top of the world, for the first time in their life people have to answer to them.
Just another reason to add to the long list of reasons to run don't walk out of the Watchtower.
My heart goes out to you.
And to Sword of Jah, spoken like a true JO-HO, I HATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the expression "well they will have to answer to Jehovah", that is the answer to everything that goes wrong isn't it, WHAT A COP-OUT !!!!!!!!!!!, that's what they tell the congregation about child molesters isn't it !!!!!!!!
dear nina,
well i came on the scene here on 3/8 and somehow i missed this thread. i do remember seeing your name appear over and over and then big tex answered one of my posts in a very touching, kind, way that was so meaningful to me.
over the last couple of months i was more or less able to piece together what had happened (especially when jenny posted her story). but this is the first time i read your words. all i can say now is that my sympathy is truly heartfelt. i also have enormous respect for the both of you. your love and integrity come shining through at all times, and you truly are inspiring for your courage and resiliency and determination in the face of such discouraging circumstances to do what is right.
my very best wishes to your family, with love,
Big Tex
then big tex answered one of my posts in a very touching, kind, way that was so meaningful to me.
That's what it's all about, isn't it?
Thank you for being such a sweetie.
While lurking there were a few posters & replies that drew me to this site over others - yours and your husbands especially stood out and the replies you both have made to my few posts have touched me deeply and I wanted to thank you both for your kind words.
I am not very good with words of sympathy or comfort as many on this forum are & by the time I read most things so many views have been expressed I feel silly & repetative but your letter is so heartfelt and all I can say is that even with all the pain and heartache you and yours have experienced it speaks volumes that the love and caring you both possess still come through on each and every post you make.
Beautiful letter.
Cruzanheart, isn't it interesting how far reaching and long lasting your words have been.
I remember around the time you posted this thread, I was preparing a memorial for my friend who passed away from a brain aneurysm. (March 8, 2003)
You suggested many wonderful things, and I implimented many of them. They made a world of difference.
Thank you so much for that.
I will never forget your daughter's submission made on this forum.
For as long as I live, her words will remain with me, forever. They brought tears to my eyes.
For those new to the forum, I hope reading Cruzanheart's truthful and heartfelt letter to the elders of her father's congregation will open peoples' eyes to the realities of life in the WTBTS.
I think the world of you and Big Tex.
Hugs to you and the rest of the family.