murders at school

by zeb 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    You do make some good points Old Navy but obviously not all people who play these games and watch these movies act out with them otherwise we would all really be up shit creek.

    From what I have read this kid used the weapons that his father had legally obtained and no doubt his father never expected his kid to do something like this .

    America to this day still seems to have the culture of the "Old Wild West Days" carry a gun and shoot to kill ,ask questions later and be prepared to face whatever consequences arise.

    Sadly their just does not seem to be an easy solution to this problem of school shootings and I`m at a loss on how they are ever going to solve it.

    And the way things stand their are going to be a lot more mass shootings of school children before this years end .

  • _Morpheus

    I have a few questions...

    .... did this certain gun stimulate the thought of accomplishing a preconceived notion of creating a high volume destructive massacre?

    Did this kind of gun have psychologically influenced the thought of creating an all out massacre in similarity to the other separate recent attackers?

  • freddo

    Ban guns for under 21's. Hey - it rhymes.

    Then under 21's who need a gun for work (farms, pest control etc) or want to use them on a range can do so under supervision or at a club.

  • stillin

    I don't know the facts. Was the kid bullied by others? This was an act of a weak person trying to be strong. A tortured soul. He had seen well-adjusted kids enjoying themselves and he was probably always an outsider and the hate grew. This is where the problem started, in his mind. Yes, I do consider him a victim, in a sense. His life is ruined because there was nobody to notice or anywhere to go until he killed people.

  • freemindfade
  • Diogenesister

    Freemind : chilling but makes a hell of a lot of sense.

    Teens seem very susceptible to copycat issues, even aside from this hypothesis.

  • _Morpheus

    Even adults fall somewhere on that spectrum. Ive seen riots start and thats a very good description. One simple mind person throws a rock and others follow. One person at work shows up late all the time and others follow if nothing is done. People say all the time: ‘im not first person to ever (fill in the blank)”

  • flipper

    Another very tragic shooting incident where innocent teenagers lives are snuffed out and their families lives destroyed. There are no easy solutions. Yes, I agree that every high school in America should have at least one armed policeman or guard there at the ready for these types of situations. I agree in responsible gun protection and responsible gun ownership.

    But until the United States congress passes responsible gun legislation and congressmen stop accepting blood money from organizations like the NRA to help finance their re-elections to congress ; accepting the money will take priority over teenagers or young kids getting murdered in schools. Quite possibly until this country has a majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives & Congress - responsible gun legislation will not be passed. That's just reality.

    True, there are some Democratic senators that accept money from the NRA as well, however not near as many as the Republican party. So- stricter gun legislation laws have to be passed so that mentally deranged killers , minors, adults, whomever have stricter background checks and perhaps penalties handed down to gun shop owners who still will sell to any Tom, Dick, or Harry that have criminal records OR mental health records indicating instability.

    And it would be nice to see the military and the federal government cooperate in releasing records of criminal or unstable shooters background as well. The FBI dropped the ball on the Florida shooter ; and the U.S. military dropped the ball on the creep that shot up the church in Texas last year as well. The military failed to release his criminal records to Texas local police, so they didn't know he was even on the radar. There has to be better communication between police authorities, schools, mental health organizations - everybody - before these types of gross killings get corrected, or at least minimized. There is PLENTY of blame to go around where many different entities have dropped the ball and been irresponsible. Including parents in their own homes who protect such mentally deranged brats from ever receiving needed mental help. Parents should be held accountable as well if they fail to give their minor children that needed help.

    O.K. That about covers it. Bring your slings & arrows, I can handle it. Did I miss anything ? Let me know, I have an open mind. I agree- it's not the guns fault, it's just all the idiots that aren't responsible in dealing with all the cracks in the cement in our society that allow these killings to escalate. Peace out, and empathy to all of the families that have lost their children and to the children who will never see a future ever. Sincerely, Mr. Flipper

  • mentalclarity

    Very sad. Seems like a lot of kids falling through the cracks in public high schools. My son went to a funeral a few months ago for a classmate who committed suicide. He was 16. In the last three years at his high school there have been 4 other known suicides. No easy answers.

    One thing that isn't helping is sending the message to kids that "adults don't really care about you" and they (teens) have to take care of themselves. The fact that adults disagree on exactly how to solve the current situation doesn't mean that they don't care and are not to be trusted. We need more kids reaching out for help to adults (and not just their peers) not more alienation from adults in family/community.

    Bullying should never be used as a viable excuse or justification for shootings or suicides for that matter. This is also part of the problem imho. How many of us were ostracized because we were different in school, yet we didn't shoot people and I don't believe there was anything particularly "special" about us. I just think it wasn't an option and we didn't grow up in an era where being a victim made us less accountable for our choices and actions.

  • Dagney

    So this kid's advances were rejected by a girl, and he felt he was entitled to take her life as well as nine others.


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