A 17 year old gets his father's revolver (6 round capacity) and short-barreled shotgun (2 round capacity), plants numerous Improvised Explosive Devices (i.e. "pipe bombs"), goes to school, and Murders students as well as a teacher. He intentionally spares the lives of students he likes because he wants them to "Tell his story." His story, as told in his confession to authorities, is that he was suicidal due to being bullied by teachers and students, but couldn't bring himself to taking his own life.
Current laws broken by this incident -
1. No one anywhere in the United States of America is permitted to purchase or possess any type of firearm under the age of 17.
2. Allowing a loaded firearm to be accessible to a minor is prohibited by law.
3. A short-barrel shotgun requires a tax stamp from the BATFE. This was an unregistered short-barreled shotgun. In additional, the shotgun was purchased legally, but altered to it's illegal length after purchase. That is also illegal to due.
4. Firearms are not permitted on a public school campuses.
5. Manufacture, possession, and use of explosive devices is prohibited by state and federal law without proper permits.
6. Murder is illegal.
Please forgive me for being absolutely baffled how someone can come to a logical and reasonable to conclusion that we need "sensible gun laws" to prevent these tragedies. Items 1-4, and 6 are all current firearms laws on the books by the federal government and/or Texas statute. Murder is probably the oldest prohibition known to man and codified. Yet, it has never prevented a single Murder.
Then take item #5. Change the narrative. What if this 17 year old planted these IEDs and successfully cooked a few of the off Murdering untold dozens of students. What commons sense gun laws would you demand then?
"Common sense gun laws" is code for "Get rid of all the guns and Murder goes away."
Here's what's needed to address the issue -
1. Swallow the hard pill that you can never completely prevent Murder from happening.
2. Stop obsessing over the inanimate objects used to commit these tragedies and put practices in place to make such incidents more difficult.
3. Study the psychological profile of every prior mass murder in a school and use it to identify potential mass murderers prior to them committing these crimes.
4. Figure our why kids want to go to school and Murder their classmates. This has been going on for 20 years. What has happened in the past 20 years that started this? Why was this not happening since 1999?