murders at school
by zeb 69 Replies latest jw friends
Bad Parenting is the root cause, I would say. Parents should teach their young ones that bullying is inhumane.
Also, they should teach them that being bullied, does not make them anyway inferior. Good Communication with Children Everyday, would prevent this
There are bullies and victims of bullying in every school in the world. There are bad parents in every country without exception. There are few if any mass shootings outside the USA.
Bullying might be a proximate causes in some cases but it is not the ultimate cause.
Or is it how American violence fuels the American media ?
In the understanding of human behavioral psychology, violence begets violence.
These school shooters dont create massacres at schools to get their name on the news, there other underling causes. School massacres have taken a bit of focused point of notoriety in recent times and people are looking for answers to why and how come.
There are a lot of parents with kids at schools and they are wondering if their children's school is going to be next.
I think the marketing of violence targeted toward impressionable youth has desensitized children to the traumatic horror and anti social values of gun violence.
Its a fun and empowering game now, just point and shoot and you'll become the revengeful winner over your demeaning oppressors .
I think the marketing of violence targeted toward impressionable youth has desensitized children
Violent entertainment is a feature of youth culture in every country. Mass shootings are an American phenomenon.
I was mercilessly bullied for:
Being skinny
Country accent
My cheap shoes
My nappy hair
Being black
Being poor
My parents car
My cheap clothes
My backpack
Beat up every other day for one thing or another from 3rd yo 9th grade
I never thought, "Hey let me kill everyone"
There is some th ingredient different in this generation. My father told me people picked on me because they felt bad about their own situation.
My mom made me fight the kid that was bullying me. It may seem stupid but me and my worst bully became friends. I also realized through my parents that people would bully because they were lacking something they saw in me. Whether that was true or not did not matter, the key was that my parents were there and paid attention. Mind you I had crazy jw parents who failed in many other areas but they at least helped with that
To say video games and social anxiety and bullying are the primary factors in profiles of mass shooters in schools would basically include every nineth grader in America, to parsphrase a psychologist in the above article.There are other things mentioned that I have wondered about. Isolation. And not knowing what to do to be a man. Because it is pointed out that these are young men. Also it seems to me that they are not minority students.
So l wonder what these young guys do in a day? Are they mostly suburban? Do they interact with other kids by playing in the streets after school like we did when we didn’t have the country to run around in?Of course when I was growing up and when I had my children there were women that stayed at home so kids could run around in their backyards or streets. And we sorted out a lot of stuff ourselves. They didn’t have latchkey kids do much.
We didn’t have a lot of money but when we lived in an Iowa town kids’ moms all worked. If they wanted to dig holes, run around and scuffle they had to have an at-home parent to ride herd on them-me. Like When l grew up kids ran around, sorted life out and moms were at home.
Iam not saying moms shouldn’t have outside jobs. I am only describing the life l had when there were no school shootings. This didn’t mean that they were not kids that lived in isolation and did some deep internal suffering. There’s a guy named Seymour that we just avoided. There was a kid named Kippy who decapitated our pet rabbit and was really creepy. I’m sure at least of one these guys had trouble and cause a lot of grief when he grew up. But they didn’t shoot up the schoolmates.
It seems that these kids have the burden of figuring out why they are alive. Our world of choices is maybe something they can’t get a grasp on. For a middle-class kid to figure out what they’re supposed to do with themselves these days maybe it is not as cut and dry it as it was 50 years ago.
Just my thoughts.
edit: l guess l was describing a sense of community.? It is a mind bender.
Mass shootings are an American phenomenon.
Which is mostly likely related to the vast amount of guns in possession within the American population.
We've talked about this topic before and the facts and statistics hold true.
I was taught young how to shoot a gun and if anyone decides to disrespect me I'll bust a cap in your ass.
So finklestein please explain to me how I could have grown up in a city that had enormous amounts of guns on the streets, to the point that I could pick one up ANYWHERE yet there were no school shootings.
These shootings take place in inner cities that are jam packed with guns, yet the overwhelming majority of these school shootings do not take place in these areas.
It seems like you want to blame this on the nu.ber of guns but the places with the most guns are not perpetuating this type of crime