He will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience.....
The Bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean. A Christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor Jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience. Generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage.
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
neat blue dog
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What is happening to this religion?
They used to teach that the man was the head of the house and what he decides goes.
With this comment, they are saying if his decisions make her feel uncomfortable, are demeaning or that bother her conscience he should not pressure her to agree to them.
Well done Watchtower.
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Watchtower - Generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage.
Why not? It's only natural for marriage mates to talk to someone about issues that they feel unsure about or want advice about.
You can't talk about sex before marriage and they don't want you talking about sex after marriage. This can lead to serious problems.
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neat blue dog
Why not?
This is clearly just a response to the long-standing 'apostate' criticism that the GB should stay out of the bedroom, that's all. It will diffuse the critics, enable JWs who have issue with the unspoken ban to go ahead as long as they keep it to themselves, and reinforce the traditional JW view when reading between the lines above that these acts are still in fact improper.
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I agree Neatbluedog.
To some degree, they follow the Bible then go off a complete tangent and come up with their own rules. Then they stuff up and cover them up with even further rules that are unbiblical.
They went too far into the bedrooms of JWs, making rules that should have been kept under the sheets. Then when they flipflop and decide they went too far and should not said anything about it, they tell JWs that there should be no discussion with anyone else other than their partner.
They should have been honest and said these matters were not for the GB or Elders to dictate on and therefore, it would not be discreet for them to discuss with the flock.
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This was a hot potato in my old hall with lots of couples in their 30's who discussed it regularly.
It stopped a newly interested husband of one sister making progress coming along - his wife was dreading telling him the jw bedroom rules... and when he found out he was livid with the religion.
Don't know what eventually happened, but a year or two later his loyal christian wife got a massive boob job!
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This issue was mentioned in Ray Franz's Crisis of Consceince. There were many couples who were distraught at the inistence by the GB of only the most basic sex positions and restrictions on foreplay. The idea that this group of old prudes needed to intrude on the most intimate part of a married couple's relationship should have been ridiculous even back then. The fact that they held on to this power even as it stressed relationships among the rank-and-file is insane.
I guess the snippet quoted in the first post shows that, even now, the rank-and-file struggle with the fallout from this silly and invasive approach.
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