1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it

by neat blue dog 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    Remember the straining gnats and swallowing camels thing? Well, I see that in this context. So, the JW god is concerned about what we do with our weenies & coochies (straining gnats), yet for millions of years he has allowed extreme horror, misery, suffering, brutality, torture, etc. to exist among his sentient creation (swallowing camels)? Human history is filled with thousands of years of such and animal history is filled with millions of years of it.

    I have seen sheer horror in my life; and what I've seen is not even like a single molecule on the tip of a massive iceberg. Try to imagine all that humans have suffered over thousands of years - especially in the past before even things like aspirin existed. Think of the tortures, the horrific injuries, the festering infections, the toothaches, the diseases. Think of what animals have suffered for millions of years. They have been eaten alive, suffered horrible diseases, suffered horrific injuries, been burned alive in natural fires, frozen, starved, thirsted, been tormented by parasites*, etc. Fix all that; then, we can talk about sex rules & etiquette. Stop swallowing the camels; then we can concern ourselves with the gnats.

    *I recently read about some moose in the U.S. who are so infested with ticks (as many as 90,000 each) that they are called "ghost moose" because they lose their hair and appear gray or whitish. 90% of their calves die because they just can't stand the misery that they are born into. I've had one tick bite make me miserable; I cannot conceive of the sheer 24hr per day misery those moose endure. They are in misery right this minute, and JWs are worried about bedroom rules.

  • Biahi

    Magnum, you are such a sweet person, I always appreciate your comments. I hope 🙏🏻 good things happen to you in the future!

  • Dagney

    I finally figured out years ago people create the god they serve and want you to serve.

    God cares about what we do with our weeines and coochies because I care about it. God doesn't care because I don't care.

    God loves everybody because I love everybody. God loves only a select group because I like being in the select group that god loves...it makes me more special than everybody else who has every lived.

    God hates LGBT because I hate LGBT. God loves LGBT because I love it.

    I was told last week that "Jehovah loves you even though you don't go to meetings." Gee thanks bro. Glad you got the info! I just heard it's a serious sin to leave the organization.

    Everybody makes it up as they go along.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg maakes it up as they go along.

  • 3rdgen

    Dagney, Preach, Sister, Preach!

    If only I would have realized every word you said as soon as you did.

  • FedUpJW
  • Vidiot

    Show me a man who doesn’t go down on his woman, and I’ll show you a woman who steps out on her man.

  • ukpimo

    I think we should create a separate thread where everyone is giving detailed and specific anecdotal evidence relating to the elders' warped sexual views. That would be a damning report against elder bodies around the world that failed to be clean and obey "Mother" Governing Booby.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I may be sorry but here goes: is there anything in the Bible on wanking?

  • Justaguy

    Smh… the problem is, that article does NOT in fact, green light anal or oral.

    In typical JW fashion it uses weasel words and phrases that can mean a lot things, but what it will mean to JW’s is “no”. Phrases like “demean her” and “bother her conscience” are glowing beacons of “dont do it” to any average JW, let alone phrases like “must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor Jehovah”.

    Clearly the article is saying “dont do it!” But also saying its not a df’ing issue and warning people who engage in them to keep their mouths shut about it to keep discord down between couples who do and couples who dont.

    Yea nothing has changed. Dont ever be fooled.

    The fact is, its never been a religions business how men and women please each other, but because JW’dom started as a bunch of pennsylvania german repressed ultra conservative Mennonites, the org just cant get away from the roots of itself and will never change on sex.

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