VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar

by jwposter 271 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwposter


    22 April 568 BCE, sunset. Moon is behind Taurus, as stated in Line 1 of VAT 4956. Taurus sets within half an hour after sunset. Moon sets another half hour after, that is, behind.
    Exactly! The moon is BEHIND Taurus. This is because Taurus is to the WEST of the moon. And this ALSO, why Saturn is BEHIND the Swallow and not in FRONT of the Swallow because the Swallow is to the WEST of Saturn.
  • Jeffro


    How does picking April 23 of -511 as the first day of the first month get derived from the Solstice being indicated on the 9th day of the 3rd month?

    🙄 If you don't understand why, you're definitely not qualified to be making a vast rewrite of all of antiquity.

    The 9th day of the 3rd month is necessarily two full lunar cycles plus 9 days (inclusive) after the 1st day of the 1st month. A lunar cycle is 29.5 days. The solstice was on 29 June in 512 BCE. 67 days before 29 June is 23 April.

    Please go away.

  • Jeffro


    And this ALSO, why Saturn is BEHIND the Swallow and not in FRONT of the Swallow because the Swallow is to the WEST of Saturn.

    You're delusional. That isn't what 'behind' means. Go away.

  • jwposter


    The 9th day of the 3rd month is necessarily two full lunar cycles plus 9 days (inclusive) after the 1st day of the 1st month. A lunar cycle is 29.5 days. The solstice was on 29 June in 512 BCE. 67 days before 29 June is 23 April.
    And that made no sense at all. Again, doesn't explain why someone would try to pass off the 20th day of a lunar month as a match to line 1.
  • jwposter


    You're delusional. That isn't what 'behind' means. Go away.
    You fell into a trap there. I can understand why you would be frustrated. Again, the timeline I posted gives me an advantage because I know that the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar is 512 BC without VAT4956.
  • Jeffro


    And that made no sense at all.

    Wow you’re even worse at this stuff than ‘scholar’. It made perfect sense. If you don’t understand how months work, you definitely shouldn’t be trying to rewrite all of antiquity.

    Again, doesn't explain why someone would try to pass off the 20th day of a lunar month as a match to line 1.

    Indeed. So stop insisting on an obviously nonsensical chronology that requires it. 🤷‍♂️

    Better still, just go away.

  • jwposter

    Going to stop responding to Jeffro. Just no reasonable logical way to have a discussion with her.

  • Jeffro


    Again, the timeline I posted gives me an advantage because I know that the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar is 512 BC without VAT4956.

    You don’t ‘know’ that at all. You’ve made up a chronology, which deviates wildly from all scholarship in various fields, to suit your superstitions about Jesus, and you are desperately trying to make things fit around it. Come back when your thesis is peer reviewed.

  • Jeffro


    in -511 April 23rd would be 20 days into the lunar cycle.

    If we grant the most latitude possible to this nonsense and pretend the time of the solstice doesn't matter and jump back to the start of the lunar cycle, the observations still do not match for 512 BCE.

    Only bothered considering Obverse I but it is sufficient to make the point. The moon is a poor match in 512 BCE for the observations in VAT4956, but more significantly, the planetary observations are a complete failure. Line 2 - Saturn was behind Capricorn, not Pisces. Line 4 - Jupiter wasn't achronycal. Line 9 - Saturn would be described as in front of Aquarius or behind Capricorn, not behind Pisces. Line 10 - Mars was nowhere near Praesepe. Line 11 - Venus would be described as being in Cancer rather than below Leo. Line 13 - Jupiter in Leo, not Scorpio.

    As an example of how the planetary observations are more important than lunar observations, Mars was only ever in Praesepe (M 44) during a few days in August in 512 BCE, which cannot in any way be contorted to 'Month II'. (And it's even worse for 588 BCE, during which Mars was never in Praesepe.) But it is a perfect match for 568 BCE, when Mars was in Praesepe during the period 24-27 May.

  • jwposter

    Someone, Anyone, help Jeffro. I can't say how many times I've said you got the wrong year. Moon day 1 behind Taurus.

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