How are new Servants and Elders appointed?

by no-zombie 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rivergang

    Or an “Elder” barely in his twenties trying to counsel a woman of late middle-age.

    All she would have to do would be remind him that she “once used to change his nappies” . After that, it would just about be game over!

  • blondie

    As to there not being enough "capable" brothers, sometimes there are capable brothers who used to be elders in another congregation, when transfer to another, even though previous BOE sends a letter of recommendation, that elder does not accept the appointment. At one time we had 4 elders transfer and did not accept reappointment. Big reason why they transferred. Asked several times over 5 years before the BOE realized it was never going to happen. Some jws don't realize how divided some BOEs and be that result in big fights, yelling even. 1 died since and the other 3 still won't let the BOE reappointment them.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It used to be by the good-ol-boy network disguised as the inscrutable workings of Jehovah's magic spirit, but now it's just the good-ol-boy network, lubricated with big green handshakes.

    "We're Jehovah's Pragmatic Witnesses..."

  • wozza

    Criteria 2

    Just keep it to yourself that you had sex with your wifes best friend 15 years ago and soon after be appointed by holy spirit (coz that's what the governing body teaches), to be an elder.

    Actual case of my book study conductor ,what a test of faith for his wife and children in the teaching of the governing body. Pray all you like but there will be no help from Jehovah and in the end he was re-appointed.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    From what I hear these days the questions are: do you have a dick, are you an adult, do you want to do the work. They are seriously short in many congregations and they are burning through those they can coerce into picking up a torch, and once completely burned out, they are practically ‘marked’ for daring to give up the thankless job. In many congregations, sisters are now doing the mikes.

  • NotFormer

    blondie, that anecdote about large numbers transferring and refusing to be reenlisted should speak volumes. It's a pity that the higher ups aren't hearing or heeding the message.

  • blondie

    NotFormer, in my area there were "problem" congregations when there was in-fighting in 5 congregations. The CO tried to solve it by splitting a congregation into parts and separate the fighting elders. In one they sent in 2 elders for outside the state to take over the BOE, did not work. It was no secret that the others that transferred, did it so they could stop being elders more easily. Another elder went to the BOE and said he wanted to step down from being elder and the other elders told him he could not do it, they had to approve it. He had several responsible positions because other elders said they couldn't because their jobs kept them on the road too much. So this elder said that the BOE would look pretty foolish when the announced the beginning of the theocratic school and he did not get on the stage...they let him relinquish his positions. But he now not viewed by them as having a good standing. Didn't bother that elder. There are many more anecdotes, see I was the unappointed therapist to many elders (I could keep my mouth shut and had good ideas how to handle or how to leave gracefully). Even circuit overseers bounced ideas off me. Well, I"m glad those days are gone.

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