Brooklyn Layoffs and Halt to Kingdom Hall construction projects

by James Jack 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    "Governing Body announced that a total of 1600 Bethelites will be let get go and not transferred to Warwich when the last property is sold in Brooklyn and all Kingdom Hall building projects are on hold for at least a year"

    Possible Interpretations:

    • administrators discovered waste and are correcting it.
    • the coffers are running dry
    • some people are preparing to pull the plug on Jehovah organization and are planing to make out like a bandit, quite literally.
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose
    We have no money to keep supporting deadweights. There are millions of $$$ to be paid on lawsuit settlements. So.... See yah!!!
  • Gayle

    Cutting Laundry service? Bethel is going to be a really 'stinking' place now!

    How many Bethelites in Brooklyn Bethel currently? How many JW Brooklyn properties are not sold yet?

  • Crazyguy
    They were right this whole time when they said the end is near the end is near. It is, for them.
  • nancy drew
    nancy drew
    Just toss those workers out on the street were the need is greater. The real reasons we were crushed by a generation that overlapped one to many times.
  • freemindfade
    Just got confirmation from a bethelite friend of mine. Jokingly said its alright as he already cooks and does his own laundry... (remote translation)
  • sir82

    a total of 1600 Bethelites will be let get go and not transferred to Warwich when the last property is sold in Brooklyn

    Can you imagine?

    1600 people who were counting on moving to the plush luxury bunker, er, compound when finished. 1600 people who survived all the previous layoffs & were thinking, "Hah! we made the cut! We will live out our days as Bethelites!"

    Now they are dumped into the street, with a $600 monthly check and a mandate to preach 120 or more hours a month, likely in Bumfrick North Dakota or some other godforsaken place.

    Talk about bitterness!

    Not all will be bitter of course, but a sizable portion will be. Imagine the effect that is going to have on the congregations where they are assigned.

  • freemindfade
    Also the properties 107, 124, towers and some other will not be occupied by them past 2017, I'm guess thats the close of escrow.
  • carla
    "Now they are dumped into the street, with a $600 monthly check and a mandate to preach 120 or more hours a month"--- What? can you elaborate? who gets $600 a month? ex bethelites? for how long?
  • LostGeneration

    How many serve at NY bethel now, anybody know? 1600 seems like a lot!

    Jah speeding things up!

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