Brooklyn Layoffs and Halt to Kingdom Hall construction projects
by James Jack 75 Replies latest jw experiences
stan livedeath
please tell me this isnt a wind up or a hoax. -
I know this sounds mean, but I have a hard time feeling bad for people who've set themselves up to be screwed.
Not mean at all, you're quite correct. Besides, the Bethelites I knew in SA (and from what I understand, here in the US too) have always had a superiority complex. Screw them, let's see how superior they are in the secular work force with their theocratic qualificatioms. Have fun flipping burgers boys and girls. -
"It was the same with the assemblies. They had full on meals, including desserts. served on trays and tons of volunteers cooking it and dishing it all up and washing dishes instead of listening to the assembly program."
Food programs, including full meals and concession stands, made money.
When I ran a stand, we were allowed to charge 2 times our laid in cost.
More than that though, sharing meals built and reinforced a sense of community, something sadly lacking now; they eat cold sandwiches in the bleachers.
They've probably done the math on the redress being asked by the ARC. -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Thanks for sharing this info. Schadenfreude isn't usually "my thing", but seeing these cutbacks at WT Corp just made my good day even better.
So very glad that I'm not stuck in that WT hellhole anymore. I'm sad for those still stuck in that mess.The self-righteous GB 2.0 are idiots. I saw that with my own eyes. Those GB stooges should be the ones kicked out to be pioneers.
Beth Sarim
I know this sounds mean, but I have a hard time feeling bad for people who've set themselves up to be screwed
Hmmm, I thought about that maybe you're right. Secret Slave Class, good point too. The Bethelites seem to think very highly of themselves, noses high in the air like they're the upper echelon of society!!
Umm worldwide preaching work, ☺ from your parents houses now.....!!!!!! Cuz it aint gonna be from bethel no mo !!!!!
Awww dang....what about them old timers who's parents are long gone, gave the ranch to watchtower, and have no 401-k ?
Hit the road jack !!!!!!
From Brazil:
I knew of a congregation that had some land and build the Kingdom Hall this year. Announcement today: Current Kingdom Hall will be sold and there will be construction.
In the same state, a work was in progress. Built walls and R $ 80,000 (approximately $ 20,000) on purchased building materials. Letter Branch: canceled work.
All expansion works at Bethel in Brazil stopped.
Beth Sarim
From Brazil:
I knew of a congregation that had some land and build the Kingdom Hall this year. Announcement today: Current Kingdom Hall will be sold and there will be construction.
In the same state, a work was in progress. Built walls and R $ 80,000 (approximately $ 20,000) on purchased building materials. Letter Branch: canceled work.
All expansion works at Bethel in Brazil stopped.
This is all so peculiar, odd yet interesting. This is just a complete 180 from May 2014 about that letter regarding the mortgage forgiveness then the constant lump sum to bethel each month. This was all for the ''supposed'' need of Kingdom Halls, but everything and everywhere is now at a halt? Yes very interesting.
Is this just a WTBTS tactic. All this stopped work with just over a week to go to the Annual Meeting.
Are they planning to beg for more money at the meeting and tell the r&f that they are in such a pickle that they have had to cancel projects, proving that they desperately need every penny they can get? They've already stooped as low as asking kids for their ice cream money.
They are going to have to come clean at some stage to say how badly off they are but not without a fight and I can't think of a better opportunity than to use the annual meeting as an instant fund raising excercise. Then like magic, the money will come pouring in in their hour of need and all these projects can recommence with little disruption.
They'll be able to spin it all and the r&f will be cheering them on, they won't be throwing their money into the streets but into the mouth of the hungry org.