Brooklyn Layoffs and Halt to Kingdom Hall construction projects
by James Jack 75 Replies latest jw experiences
How long will these workers receive $600? -
who gets $600 a month?
That is the current stipend for US special pioneers. A married SP couple would get $1200/month.
A large percentage, although not all, of laid-off Bethelites get reassigned to be special pioneers.
The unluckiest ones get reassigned as just plain old "pioneers", no "special", no economic support at all, just a "keep warm & well fed" & a hope that someone in their new congregation is willing to hire them.
Slidin Fast
Bludee Hell! The financial side of this organisation is beyond redemption. They make VW look like saints. What next? When will the silent majority wake up? -
Thank you Sir. -
James Jack - "...the Governing Body announced that a total of 1600 Bethelites will be let get go and not transferred to Warwick ..."
Wow, that's some Donald-Trump-level corporate downsizing.
Who the hell are they gonna house at all those apartments there and/or serve the GB, then?
Slidin Fast - "When will the silent majority wake up?"
We are waking up.
Why else do you think we end up here?
"omg......this could be it!!" The big A is long past you've been put on notice. Say good by to your room and job and three square a day. Time to rejoin the real world and get a life.
yea cause you know those laid off slaves and the KH workers will make a huge different in preaching results. By the way, 220 000 people were born today alone. Can they at least get to those?
Wow, another Bethel downsizing!...I have lost track. Is this the third or fourth wave?
As Sir82 said, this must come as a shock to those who were expecting to be in the new luxury compound.
I'll tell you one thing: I would not want to be in any of the halls where yet another group of fired bethelites is sent. While some may be lucky and some brother with a business may reluctantly hire them, what about the rest? I wonder if the previous groups of fired bethelites are settled? Maybe, maybe not.
The remaining responsible working rank and file Witnesses (who were probably criticized for working for a living and barely hanging onto their jobs) are going to be hit up for money left and right for every Tom, Dick and Harry....This is adding insult to injury. I am sure these appeals will be unrelenting.
Just glad I'm not there!!
Beth Sarim
You got to feel really bad for those who have worked at Bethel for say 30-40 years and then sent away with next to nothing for marketable skills, sad. -
I know this sounds mean, but I have a hard time feeling bad for people who've set themselves up to be screwed.