KalebOutWest frequently superimposes the views of modern (usually, secular) Jews onto ancient Judaism. This frequently involves cognitive dissonance, which results in statements such as:
There is general Jewish practice, but there is no and never has been a single mainstream Jewish dogma ... Philo's teachings were not accepted by mainstream Judaism
A substantial number of modern Jews view the stories of characters like Abraham as allegorical, and KOW would have us believe that that was always the case (though reasonably a third to half of modern Jews believe he was an actual historical person, with considerable variation about whether it matters). However, at the beginning of the Achaemenid era, the Jews needed to establish their cultural identity
to the Persians in order to affirm their traditional right to their
land, and it would be meaningless to view Abraham only as an allegorical
figure for that purpose (though their traditional belief that Abraham was an actual person is independent of whether he actually was).
Similarly, the origins of Judaism derived from Canaanite religion point to an original belief that Yahweh was an actual local deity who actively controlled the weather along with the outcome of other events, and it was only later that the view shifted firstly to monotheism, and much later still to a more allegorical view among a subset of Jews.
When challenged on the slightest thing— especially regarding ancient Judaism viewed through a lens of modern cultural Judaism—KOW resorts to various fallacies, usually taking the form of 'you're acting like a JW' (ad hominem, appeal to pride), 'you don't understand Jews' (appeal to tradition, hasty generalisation) or 'you're attacking me' (appeal to sentiment).