I thought it was real also until I read a few comments down. Seems like a trick.
John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov 67 Replies latest jw friends
Jules Saturn
I also took Gorby’s thread seriously when he first posted it because he also didn’t initiatally say that it was a satire. So I can’t really blame Cedars or JR. I think if you’re gonna make a satire of something always say that it’s a satire initially cause if you don’t it’s just gonna mislead people. Just like what Watchtower says. Either label it a satire from the get go or don’t make the joke at all. -
the girl next door
Paradise Earth: Why invisible?
Really? That didn’t do it for you?
Anyone blaming gorby is a moron. Satire requires no warning. Dont be an idiot.
Jules Saturn
Name calling already? I’m not blaming Gorby, but I guess if I voice my opinion then I’m a moron
As usual anybody who sees anything differently from Morph is a moron and an idiot.
Not necessarily both but in this case, yes.
Be careful when talking about Cedars here!
Cedar's Witnesses may accuse you that you are not being grateful enough for food at the appropriate time that it serves us.
All I want to say at this point is that John Redwood's post seemed to be about as apologetic, honest, and sincere as it could be. I can see how mistakes can be made when people are in a hurry to get things done. I've certainly made my share.
John Redwood took responsibility and apologized. He seems sincere and level-headed. Do some of you want a lynching?
Be careful when talking about Cedars here!
Cedar's Witnesses may accuse you that you are not being grateful enough for food at the appropriate time that it serves us.