You know what it is Morph, nowadays the Society has changed so many things, so to introduce a new arrangement like “Circuit elder” even though it’s satire, people can believe it. Let’s say the person who reported it to Redwood never came back to see Gorby say it was satire. I get it not everyone is a genius like you Morph, but that doesn’t make everyone an idiot/moron. Mellow out, smoke a cigar or have a beer or something
John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov 67 Replies latest jw friends
Jesus, Morph, where is your mind?
Did you really just call the title the "tittle" multiple times?
Everybody, give Morph a break. His mind is obviously somewhere else. And it might be his happy place!
Cedar's Witnesses detected!
Jules Saturn
You know what it is Morph, nowadays the Society has changed so many things, so to introduce a new arrangement like “Circuit elder” even though it’s satire, people can believe it. Let’s say the person who reported it to Redwood never came back to see Gorby say it was satire. I get it not everyone is a genius like you Morph, but that doesn’t make everyone an idiot/moron. Mellow out, smoke a cigar or have a beer or something
Jules Saturn
Im not denying that Cedars and his JW survey team messed up big time but we got an apology from Redwood. You sound like you want the guys at JW survey to be executed for a capital punishment, dude it’s not that serious, sounds like you could use a joint
Now, now, now. Since Jesus’ return is invisible a la Russell why not also just put a spin on the Paradise and make it invisible too?
This must be the funniest thing I've ever seen on JWN & JWSurvey. -
Obey the King and his helpers Br Morris III
Jesus doesn't have helpers, Brother Morris does.
Ergo....Brother Morris is The King! Long live the King!
PS. John Redwood is hot as hell.
I need a cold shower after watching an hour of Watchtower in focus....phew!!
I acknowledge this could have been me getting caught out. It is sobering. Morpheus your feedback is blunt but useful.
Gorby, like his books, you have to pay Lloyd for him to honor your material by publishing it with his stuff (or youtubing it.)
You retroactively owe money. Lloyd is trying to be the first ex-JW to live entirely on ex-JW income. Don't cheat him.
the girl next door
In that case Lloyd is like Becky.
....oh, once again I read "It's not my fault." At least Lloyd is consistent at passing on blame.