Well Becky may never get a date again.
John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov 67 Replies latest jw friends
It was interesting to see how the titles change slightly, Chinese whispers style.
I think one of them changed to paradise heaven instead of Gorby's original paradise earth.
This has been hilarious but on a serious note, the org's new releases (incl. their Ezekial book) are more ridiculous and sadly, millions take them seriously.
Here we once again see why we need to check our sources, let alone, use common sense in determining whether something is credible and JWs fail dismally at this.
Why is becky undatable all of a sudden?
neat blue dog
Did you really just call the title the "tittle" multiple times?
Everybody, give Morph a break. His mind is obviously somewhere else.He also typed fiture instead of future. Obviously in such a rush to get his content out he didn't have time to check it first. 😐
Morphs la.. wait a minute..... -
the girl next door
Because Becky retroactively claimed overlapping consent rules and James spent $16,000 proving his innocence. James is going to tell all prospective suitors to run like hell.
I dont know who becky is but that seems like a bit of a mistake
the girl next door
Oh I’m sorry it was all in the Senate hearings thread. You must have been reading the Cliff’s notes. Bad joke anyway. And yeah Becky is an idiot.