Encouraging scriptures for the day

by Kosonen 543 Replies latest jw friends

  • peacefulpete

    I get genuinely saddened by posters that after so many years have never been able to restart their lives.

    Konosen, 15 years ago you hoped for greater freedom of thought within the WT. Now after all these years despite having been free to reconsider all things, you seem trapped in an obsession with the Watchtower.

    It's to me a lot like isolated Japanese soldiers decades after the war still brainwashed for the Emperor.

  • Queequeg

    Peacefulpete, nice observation.

    In general I try to be respectful of people's beliefs. Since I've left jwland I've had nice conversations with believers, atheists, even clergy. My wife's cousins are extremely "spiritual" and they are some of the most kind, caring people. I love spending time with them.

    In Kosonen's case though, his condescension, the Watchtower speak with leading questions have been irresistible for me.

    I do feel sorry for his family.

  • peacefulpete

    We can only hope something gets through. I really enjoy religious history and learned so much from others on this site. I always hoped those topics might break the spell and awaken the minds of some trapped in a dark apocalyptic place. It stuns me that posters can be here so long and never engage in topics like textual criticism and religious history. It's unfathomable to me but for some I'm the devil's agent by even wanting to discuss such things. All I know is what I'm doing doesn't seem to penetrate the fog, maybe a little pointed mocking might.

  • Queequeg

    I doubt that "pointed mocking" will accomplish anything, I don't see any evidence of humor coming from Mr. K.

    However, I hope that once or twice I was able to put a smile on someone's face.

  • Kosonen

    Some ways to have plenty to do in the Lord’s work:

    2 Timothy 4:1 I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his manifestation and his Kingdom: 2 Preach the word; be at it urgently in favorable times and difficult times; reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all patience and art of teaching.

    1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord.

    1 Timothy 4:.. 13 continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching. 14 Do not neglect the gift in you…

    16 Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.

  • Kosonen

    "Queequeg: However, I hope that once or twice I was able to put a smile on someone's face."


  • Kosonen

    "Queequeg: Kosonen's case though, his condescension, the Watchtower speak with leading questions have been irresistible for me. "

    I am often very busy. I work fulltime in construction, so I don't have a lot of time to spend on arguments on the internet. In addition I send the "Daily Text" some other people too. I have even reduced the number of people I send this because of lack of time.

  • Kosonen


    You cannot have it both ways. Either Jesus is the head of the religion that disfellowshipped you and you should go back and stop associating with exJWs, or Jesus is not the head of that religion and you are just lying to yourself--and you find that too painful to admit to yourself.....

    In fact, it sounds like you find both options to painful to admit to yourself, "

    The truth is that Jesus is the head of the congregation. He knows what happens there. But he does not intervene to every problem that exists or arises in his congregation. But there will come a decisive day when all evil slaves will be thrown out who have been beating their fellow slaves.

    Matthew 24:48 “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.

  • wantingtruth


    "At midnight, a people totters and perishes. The mighty perish, without the intervention of the hand of any man."

    Job 34:20

    The expression 'at midnight' reminds us of Jehovah's action against the Egyptians in ancient times.

    Then He struck all the first-born of the Egyptians, including Pharaoh's first-born.

    Job was inspired to prophetically write these words that I quoted above, regarding an action that JEHOVAH would undertake in the end times. Not with regard to Satan, because he is not perishing now, but will only be bound,

    but with regard to the 'man of lawlessness' (Pharaoh), who is indeed destined to perish.

    And not only with regard to him, but also with regard to his people, which consists of all those who are faithful to him!

    This Pharaoh of our times is that 'mighty' that Job speaks of here, and of which the inspired Isaiah showed that he would be dispossessed of the prey he had taken, namely the "saints" (who were overcome by the "horn" !) Isaiah 49:25; Daniel 7:21.

    It should be remembered that these actions that lead to the loss of the 'strong one' and the 'people who waver' (Isaiah 19:14) take place without intervention, without "the intervention of any human hand".

    Presenting the identity of the "man of lawlessness" from another angle, JEHOVAH inspired the prophet Isaiah to write:

    "And the Assyrian shall fall slain by a sword, but not of a man:..." Isaiah 31:8.

    -- Do you believe these things? Do you have the power to 'see' them?

    - The Reaper.


  • PioneerSchmioneer

    Kosonen, you again wrote:

    The truth is that Jesus is the head of the congregation.

    Meaning the Jehovah's Witness religion, in your view (something I do not subscribe to.)

    But what you don't seem to put together is that you spit in the face of your leader when you told that group that you didn't believe in its teachings, and therefore got disfellowshipped for it.

    "If we deny him, he will deny us."--2 Timothy 2:12 b.
    "Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father."--Matthew 10:32-33.

    It is not so much about what happened to you, namely you getting disfellowshipped, but about if what you say is true, that if Jehovah's Witnesses are truly Jesus' congregation of whom he is the head, then it is YOU who did the very horrific and horrible thing.

    If Jesus is the head of the congregation, then you should have been disfellowshipped for not believing in what they teach. You denied your Teacher. You deserved what you got.

    And apparently you are unrepentant because you can't even understand that in Jehovah's Witness/Watchtower terms.

    I was not raised as a Witness. I had a short stint as a convert among them and decided it was not for me way back during the Reagan adminstration. It was just a couple of college years out of my life, no biggie. No family or close friends lost.

    But the point is not that the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipped you--what THEY did to you--but what YOU did to JESUS--since you claim that Jesus is the head or leader of the religion.

    You don't run away from something just because there are a few problems.

    You said it yourself: "He does not intervene to every problem that exists or arises in his congregation." Does that not apply to a few teachings and doctrines in the congregation that you did not agree with?

    Apparently you were too impatient or do not believe your own arguments or just use them when they are convenient for you, huh?

    While I may believe in God and the Scriptures, what I don't believe in is you. And now you see why.

    It's not that I want you to actually return to the Jehovah's Witnesses. But you're arguments do not make any sense.

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