Diogenesister asked: "Hi Fulltimestudent I just wondered how do you this? Is it an App that you get a subscription to all the major papers? I've been looking for something like that."
Grin! The short answer is - It's difficult!
!. As the world moves from printed paper to digital, most newspapers have erected 'pay walls' to maintain a paywall. Though some allow a quota of a few 'reads' a month for free
2. We tend to think that English is the only language (that matters- haha). So a lot of news/opinions is also behind a 'language wall.'
So what to do:
1. Can't do much about the 2nd problem. But if the main road has a toll to pay, you may find a backstreet, that get's you around the problem.
2. Newspapers are not the only 'media.' There are also magazines, and increasingly video news - that's harder to quote, but useful in building an understanding of something.
3. A good library (State or University) may provide access to web based archives. Some (Uni of Sydney) are suspended right now, but they'll likely come back. The difficulty, of course, is always to arrive at an unbiased understanding of what's happening. Appreciating that National media, are most likely present a biased account is OK, but then forces a search for alternative viewpoints (so then, we have to be careful of our own tendency to be biased).
4. Google scholar, ( https://scholar.google.com/ ) allows you access to good high standard academic standard articles and research. And collections like the USA based History News Network are worth accessing as they may provide information on various topics.
5. Journals and magazines - Some are still offering free digital copies of articles, often they are better than newspapers because the authors have collected material from many sources, Again beware of the big B (bias).
Sometimes, its just a snippet of information that helps you see an avenue that you may not have explored,