So what happened to JWs to make them give up on the preaching that
was once a hallmark of their existence?
It’s actually very
simple. Jehovah’s Witness’s preaching was based on the idea that
the Last Days started in 1914. And that teaching included the idea
that the Generation that saw and understood what 1914 signified,
would start off with a 15 year old person.
(The reason being is
because a person who understood would have to be at least 15 years
old to understand correctly what 1914 meant)
That 15 year old kid
would be the start of the Generation that Jesus Christ referred to
when he said.
“This Generation
will not pass away until all these things occur” ………..Including
the New Order.
They expressed the
idea in a strong and forceful manner from that day forward. That
Generation that saw and understood that 1914 was the Beginning of the
Last days, would not get old and die off BEFORE the New Order had
Another way they put
Many will not grow
old. …….. Some will not finish School.
the publication Reasoning from the Scriptures p.97 it said this;
the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have
passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur, including
the “great tribulation” in which the present wicked world will
In May 15, 1984
that kid that saw and understood what 1914 meant, was now 85 years
old. To prove that the Governing Body still Believed that the end was
real close, they printed this Awake magazine and distributed to all congregations, to distribute to as many people as possible.
See bottom picture;
But in the year 1995, it became obvious that the Governing Body
finally figured out they were wrong about the generation. So the
first step was to slowly change the idea of the 15 year old kid who
was alive in 1914 and understood that it was the beginning of the
last days, WAS NOT Part of the Generation anymore.
Fist Step was to
change the mast head on the Awake which read for many years like
Why is Awake!
Published Awake is for the enlightenment of the entire family. It
shows how to cope with today’s problems. It reports the news, tells
about people in many lands, examines religion and science. But it
does more. It probes beneath the surface and points to the real
meaning behind current events, yet it always stays politically
neutral and does not exalt on race above another. Most important,
this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a
peaceful and secure new World BEFORE THE GENERATION THAT SAW THE
October 22, 1995
Second Step was
start slowing hinting away at the idea that “The Generation”
could mean something else in their Watchtower Study Publication used on Sundays for members only.
And finally the
Overlapping Generation was introduced and the members ate it like
Mormons ideology is
not based on the Last Days starting at a certain year. Neither is any
other cult. That’s why the Mormons will continue till the actual
last days of the human species.